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At dinner that night, it was rather quiet until Laito spoke up towards Rini. "It's good to see you smiling once more. Welcome back Little Rini."

Rini was delighted to hear the words that came from Laito. "Thankies Laito...this is a general question...have you guys heard from father yet?"

"He's said no word to us about anything, should we know something Rini?" Shu asked curiously

"Mhm! Within time there will be an invite for all of you to a party of sorts in the demon realm, the succubi and incubi covens are inviting everyone of high blood status of every race to be there. There I will be crowned as queen of my coven with my mate since I have made contact within the last two weeks with another coven of my kind. The Queen and King were rather polite and nice to my mate and I. Father should have gotten an invite as well, as King of the vampires and with you all being his sons it is only fair and normal that all of you should make a sighting there." Rini explained

"Do you know where the date and time everything will be happening Rini?" Reiji asked curiously

Rini nodded her head and took out of her skirt pocket a blank invitation "Here big bro! I figured something like this would have happened so I brought a blank one for you guys just in case."

Reiji took it from her and read it over before he looked back at her. "Does he know about this?"

"Mhm! He and I had to agree on a date and everything. This also means that once I do become queen of my kin that I won't be able to see you guys for a while. Apparently it has been customary that the new king and queen of succubi and incubi covens are secluded from everyone for many months until the first one of the new generation comes to birth. The only thing is...I have been pregnant before and I ended up having to get rid of it since it came from my last oath which was broken." Rini said as she frowned explaining everything to Reiji and the others

Laito raised an eyebrow at her. "So...Ayato got you pregnant and he chose to ditch you for little bitch. Go figure that he'd be the one to mess everything up for you."

Rini nodded her head. "It's because of that one little detail that it hurt not just him, but me as well. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, he probably was hurt twice as bad due to his own child parting from him as well. Which probably what killed the child in the first place. my kin don't get their souls completely until they are born and alive for a week. So technically speaking, him going behind my back doing what he had just to get that woman back killed the child he would have had with me."

Ayato was glaring at Rini the entire time she spoke. He hated that she had said what she had to laito, everything would have been fine had she not undone the oath between them.

"I know you never liked Yui, but did you have to do what you had to him?" Shu asked curiously

"Yes, as I've explained to Reiji beforehand. I will explain to everyone here. The mate oath between a succubi or an incubi is soul, blood and body. All belong to their mate, his heart and mind should have been on me not her. But since he chose to be disloyal towards me and get that woman-I had no choice but to break it since I knew he wouldn't. I refuse to be like you boys mothers. I'm not that needy and I'm not that idiotic to think that he'd actually care about me more than just a mere toy to get off in." Rini said with a sigh "Now can we get off of the subject of him? I promised my mate I wouldn't speak of him while I was here."

"Of course, back to this invitation you gave me. How formal must we go Rini?" Reiji asked

"As formal as you can be, Which means Baru, no ripped stuff. Try to look some-what presentable brother." Rini said looking from Reiji to Subaru

Subaru sighed out before he placed a hand on the top of her head. "No promises but I'll try."

"That's all I'll ask brother." Rini said before she looked at Kanato. "Kanato, tomorrow we have a full day together. I'm looking forward to our one on one tea party tomorrow."

"As am I, I would like it if you'd wear something I made specifically for you tomorrow...please?"

Rini's eyes lit up happily hearing him speak "You made me something Kana?!" She asked excitedly "You've never made me anything before!"

"Well...I was waiting for the right time to. So...so while you've been gone I've been trying to occupy my mind with other things." Kanato said sadly

"Well I'll be very happy to wear anything you make me Kana! I know you work hard making everything you do! And the dresses are always so pretty too!" Rini said happily

Kanato smiled hearing her speak "I'm really glad to hear that, tonight I'll be giving you the dress so you can wear it tomorrow."

Rini was in thought for a moment before she looked at Kanato. "Actually...do you mind if I stay in your room while I'm here for the next three nights? I don't trust being alone in my room."

Kanato nodded his head. "Sure of course! I'd enjoy the company Rini." He said with a smile

[Sequel to untitled love] Oath to Heart [Diabolik Lover love story]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu