Chapter 2 ~ The British Camp

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"PUT. ME. DOWN!" Y/N shouted to the officer in front of her on his horse. She glared harshly and pounded on his back. 

"We are almost there, and would you stop that?" The British officer's husky voice said.

"ARGH!" Y/N pouted slightly, and turned away from the officer. Her gaze met the land. So majestic and green. Flowers littered the ground, but soon were trampled over. They lead to a dirt path, with a long wooden fence cutting it off.

"We are her my lady-" The officer hopped off of his horse and gave her his hand. Y/N refused to take his hand and hopped of herself, only with a small thud she landed. "Alright then. I shall take you to see Lord Cornwallis."

Y/N rolled her eyes impatiently. They walked up to the building in front of them. It was white with pillers holding up the balcony. It was a tall mansion. How can the British afford this mansion? She thought. As they walked inside, there were guards, ready with their bayonets.

"I was ordered to bring you straight to Lord Cornwallis's room." The officer said. He led her down the winding halls, eventually to a large room at the end. He pushed open the large white doors, to reveal and fancy room.

"Ah...Officer, you have brought the hostage? Well the important one shall I say?" Said a man with a white powdered wig, and very expensive looking clothing.

"Yes my lord, here she is." The officer pushed Y/N forward slightly. She huffed and pushed his hand off her back. The officer walked out of the room.

"So? Do you know why you are so important to us?" The man said.

"No, I do not have the slightest idea!" Y/N said stubbornly.

"Well you happen to be the daughter of the most rebeling colonist." Y/N had assumed the man's name was Cornwallis.

"And?" Y/N said waiting for Cornwallis to continue.

"Well. We need you here so our plans will work out the right way." Another man stepped in, standing along side Cornwallis. Y/N recognized his deep brown hair and his expecially cold blue eyes. He was the same that had been at the camp.

Y/N's eyes widened slightly, she didn't know what to say. So she just grunted again and looked down to the ground.

"You will be provided a nice room, in a part of this mansion. You should be glad you are so lucky. The others stay outside in a wooden cage." The Colonel said.

Y/N grunted stubbornly, "Thank you..." She struggled for a name.

"William Tavington. Colonel William Tavington." He smiled slightly.

"Thank you Colonel Tavington." Y/N denied the hand Tavington was reaching out.

"Now hurry along to your room. Colonel Tavington will take you." Cornwallis interrupted.

Tavington walked slightly Infront of Y/N. She followed him out the large doors and down the hall quite a ways. He opened a door much smaller than Cornwallis's room.

"Here you are my lady." He smiled, it was softer now but still had that cold glint.

Y/N stared at him while she passed into the room. It was a room with white colored walls and tan curtains. The bed was smaller, with a tan and creme flannel blanket, lightly covering it.

"Sleep well." Tavington paused, "There is a night-dress waiting for you in the dresser." He smiled and closed the door.

Y/N wandered over to the dresser, she opened it and did find a night-dress in it. She hesitated weather to put it on or not. Y/N eventually got tired of waiting, after all it had been quite a rough day.

Y/N undressed quickly and put the night-dress on, hoping no one had saw her. She sat down on the bed and looked down to the floor. "I miss you sisters." She paused, "Thomas most of all." She sighed sadly as her eyes filled slightly with tears.

"Please save me from this place." Y/N said, only to the door being opened. It was Colonel Tavington again.

"I'm sorry sweet. I forgot to give you something to eat." Tavington handed a plate of tea and biscuits on it.

Y/N paused and took the plate wearily, "Thank you Colonel."

"Goodnight." He smiled and closed the doors quietly.

Why was he being so sweet now? He had been so hostile and cold. Y/N thought. She dunked the biscuit in the tea and ate a bit. She soon felt sleepy from the hot tea. She set the plate down on the nightstand and let her head fall back to the pillow.


(Word count 785. Enjoy the second chapter of The Rebel and The Colonel!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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