Chapter one Love is complicated

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Before you start reading the storyline,
please read this, to help you understand.

I will mostly make up a summary
of this mini story, in the beginning,
for each chapters. So every chapter
will have their own main
ideas in the stories.

At this time of the story, this is
when season two finished. After the
tournament ended, a few months has
past now, when Genos first met Garou
in the anime. Saitama and Genos
have known each other,
since the first they met,
was now for five months
in this storyline. This relationship
in this chapter will be GenSai and
Genos would act more authentically
so more accurate from the anime
as I believe how he would be.

The story will now begin.

One Day outside of Saitama's
abandoned apartment building
complex and it was a sunny day.
Saitama opens the front door and
locks it once he is inside as Genos
was patiently waiting for his master
to return the whole time his Sensei
was outside fighting on his
own like usual.

Genos gives a small bow and smiles
a bit at Saitama but he tries to hide
his blushing face from Saitama as
Genos wanted to act normal which
is being professional towards him.
"Welcome back, Sensei!"
Genos stands up from
the floor, of the hallway,
and bows again but
this time even more

"..uhm..Genos- don't have
to bow every time I come home..."
Saitama says in embarrassed and
monotone way, while he blushes
a little bit too. He puts his left
hand on the back of his neck
awkwardly and looks away
as Saitama doesn't notice
that Genos was blushing
or smirking.

"Oh, my apologies Saitama Sensei.."
Genos slightly smirks while seeing
his Sensei's reaction, but he tries to
hide the his smirking face from him
as he doesn't know, if it's okay to
smirk like that in front of his Master.
Genos doesn't want to act rude or
too casual around his Master when
he should be formal and respectful.
Genos didn't question why his Master
was embarrassed on greeting him
at the front of the apartment door
when his Sensei got home
every time...but Genos still
can't help but do this everyday
even if his Sensei told him
not to, every. single. time.

Saitama blushes a bit more because
this time he notices something about
Genos as he sees him smirking at him.
Saitama then moves his own hand back
down, from his neck, and he for some
reason feels more flustered.
"'re good..Genos."
Saitama says in a embarrassed
way, while he also sounded in
the same numb and bored voice
as he looks back at Genos.

Genos tries to maintain eye contact and
hide his blushing as his face starts to
feel warm. "So may I ask you, Sensei
where we are currently?" He asks
in a calm and formal tone.

"..uh..what do you mean...Genos?"
Saitama says in a confused and a
little flustered voice. Saitama feels
a bit more awkward and he blushes
a bit when seeing Genos still smirking
at him even though Genos tries not to.
Saitama was confused by what Genos
is asking him as Saitama thought for
a second that Genos was asking
about their relationship
as Genos's smirk
didn't help.

Genos realizes Saitama must
have misunderstood his question.
"I meant which part of the city are
we currently in?" Genos asks with a
calm and professional smile with a
incredibly innocent voice as if Genos
reword his question on purpose.

"What-.. oh!!" Saitama blushes
even harder and he looks away again.
Saitama can't believe he mistook what
Genos asked him. Saitama wonders
on why he ever blushed himself
as much as he was right now and
Saitama thinks he was embarrassed
and not because he thinks he had
a crush on Genos. Saitama nervously
looks back and hopes Genos doesn't
notice how flustered Saitama truly is.
" we are in City-Z..."
Saitama says in a nervous and
flustered voice, while he tries
to sound clam, like Saitama
would usually.

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