A Fresh Start

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"So tell me, what does it mean to be powerful?"

David was in his car. The driver was silent, and the roads were smooth. He knew that he was no longer in New York, so he didn't know where he was going.

A tiny black screen dropped down from the top of the car. It turned on to show GoldenBoy's face.

"How are you liking the ride?" GoldenBoy asked.

"Where the hell are we going?" David said bluntly.

"Well, really, we can't get there by car. We're going to have to catch a ferry, then ride a train!" GoldenBoy said.

"Why the hell are there so many steps just to get to one city?" David questioned.

"It's a city for sorcerers! It's top secret! No one can know where it's at!" GoldenBoy stressed.

"Fine. I'm taking a nap." David pushed the screen back inside the car roof. He laid back and looked outside the window. "This better be good," he mumbled to himself.

Some hours later, the car parked at a dock. David got out of the car and started grabbing all his luggage.

Himiko appeared beside David. "Hi!" She said happily.

"Hey Himi, did you enjoy the ride? Because I didn't," David said bluntly.

"I kinda miss Lily. I'm not used to traveling without her. Will we ever be able to see her again?" Himiko asked David.

David paused what he was doing and kneeled down to Himiko. "Yeah, most definitely," David said.

Himiko smiled. "YAY!" She jumped up in the air and hugged David. "You're really not that bad of a guy you say you are!" Himiko said as she hung off David's back.

"Hey! Get off of me! Don't you have some bags to carry?" David yelled.

"My curses got it!" She said, laughing.

Kenji and Lilith watched them from some distance away.

"So, is this really GoldenBoy's brother?" Lilith said, not impressed.

"Yup, the boss said it himself," Kenji added.

"Does he even have any techniques?" Lilith asked Kenji.

"Nope. But I heard he's cursed. I mean, when I found him, it was in front of Hakari's dead body," Kenji added.

"Interesting..." Lilith said, curious about this cursed human.

"Alright, everyone, let's board the ferry!" GoldenBoy said as the boat arrived.

Everyone loaded their stuff onto the ferry, and it took off. They ended up reaching an island in the middle of the ocean. They had traveled so far they could barely see any land. After everyone hopped off the ferry, GoldenBoy made a random door appear.

"This will take us onto the train straight to the capital of Golden City!" GoldenBoy yelled.

"The capital?" Himiko questioned.

"Yes, Himiko. Golden City is only the capital of a larger country. There are a total of 7 cities that GoldenBoy looks after, and beyond that, it is run by other people," Lilith explained.

"What are all the cities called?" Himiko asked.

"Well, for starters, we have the biggest city and the capital, Golden City. Then, if we go from biggest to smallest, it would be—" Lilith was cut off by GoldenBoy. "We can explain it later! Let's go!" he yelled.

Everyone walked into the door which led to a train. It was already in motion but seemed to be moving through a tunnel.

"Make yourselves comfortable; we're going to be a while," Kenji said, walking away.

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