Shades Of Gray

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After spending the most incredible 48 hours of her life in Benny's arms, Frida finally parked her car in its usual spot. Smiling, radiating light, feeling the lightest ever, sure everything was just perfect at the moment. Her chest was constantly shaking with excitement, her stomach churned with butterflies. She'd been the happiest woman on earth during the last two days, Benny made her so.

This morning, after waking up together in his bed, Benny pampered her with kisses. He was such an affectionate man. Who would say? He'd seek physical contact as much as possible, and she'd never let him down because she had recently discovered how good it felt to be touched by him. Adored by him. Both stayed in bed during a long time, talking, sharing gentle caresses. Frida admired his mindset, his vision of life, he was a deep thinker, a beautiful man. Benny shared with her he liked playing the piano, and that he intended to get one in the new house. She was simply mesmerized.

Saying goodbye was tough. She wished to be able to stay longer, but sure he needed his space and so did she; she needed to take a bath, to change clothes... and nothing else. If only she had a job, a real
one, she wouldn't feel so useless at home. However, she was used to solitude, it had always been part of her life, a constant. However, with Benny any trace of loneliness was erased, she felt so complete when he took her hand, when he looked at her, when he pronounced her name.

Frida let her head fall on the back of the seat. A long sigh came out of her mouth. She was falling in love. Irremediably. As if it were the first time, as if she'd never loved. The truth is that her heart beat so hard with him, her smile was wider with him, her mind flew with him, her body vibrated with him. From one morning to other her first thought was Benny, his smile was in her dreams and his voice became her favorite sound. She was falling in love. A forbidden love. Because he couldn't be hers and she couldn't be his.

You are mine. Those words from last night sent a heat through her spine, restarting her nervous system. In a way, she belonged to him. Kiss after kiss he possessed her more. Bringing her fingers to her lips, Frida closed her eyes; they were still sensible from his kisses, she still could feel his touch, smell his scent. She let herself travel back to hours ago, he didn't want to let her go, he insisted nothing awaited him, that they take all day of she wanted. Yet she refused. She was clinging on him, and there was a limit she needed to respect.

Frida let out a long sigh. At opening her eyes she faced the so known surroundings. Her house. A tiny smile crossed her face. For good or bad this was her life and she couldn't complain, she had commodities and so many facilities. Looking back at her early years she never thought she'd have all those privileges, and all because of her husband. However, thinking of him caused her trouble more than those butterflies in the stomach she was supposed to feel. Only one man occupied her mind and it wasn't the face of her husband. She was falling in love with a man who wasn't her husband. Husband. Husband. Gosh, she was married!

"Ugh." Frida hid her face in her hands. What a mess. What a chaos.

Alice received her. The woman was perfectly dressed in her usual black pants and white shirt and she used that clean smile so characteristic of hers. Frida felt a peaceful sensation each time she saw her, she felt like family, which in a way Alice was since she'd spent many years working in the house. "Are you okay, madam?"

"Yes, alright." Frida accommodated her coat better on her arm, smiling sweetly. "What about you?"

"I am fine, thank you." Alice replied kindly. "I ask because... well, since you spent the night out, I got worried." She frowned a little, a concern look in her eyes. "But I'm glad you are fine. I apologize, I don't want to be intrusive."

Frida giggled a bit uncomfortably. She certainly didn't have to give explanations, and Alice was too cautious and respectful to ask. Of course Frida understood she was just checking on her. "Don't worry, Alice. I am here now. And i'd like to take a long shower and sleep."

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