The forgotten God

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Shi Qingxuang pov

"Wake up old man Pei!"

Shi Qingxuan jolted awake to the cheery voice, he looked down and laughed, it was none other then the young Xing Yun. He had two humongous front teeth and a hunger like no other, just seeing the poor boy made him chuckle. He grabbed the young child's cheek with a coquettish smile and scolded.

"Just what are you doing hmm? Don't you know how important sleep is for a beautiful face like mine?" He flipped his hair with his hand as if to enhance his point. The boy laughed and clapped his hands as if he was applauding a show.

Ay ay ay, youth these days. He shook his head seriously. Lifting himself up from the bamboo mat he stretched his arms out, enticing a large yawn. He quickly dusted of his robes before he turned to his intruder.

"Now, now go play with your friends, I have work to do." He quickly shooed him away. "I'll call the police if you keep trespassing."

"... Isn't this place a shrine?"

Shi Qingxuan coughed awkwardly. Xie Lian was one of the most influential gods and had the power to throw around merits as easily as Shi Qingxuan could when he was a god. As one of his closest friends Xie Lian had insisted on giving him some for of payment, always claiming it was for 'everything he'd done for him.' Back when Shi Qingxuan was a god he had always offered similar things to Xie Lian and every time his highness had declined so who in their right mind would accept?

Shi Qingxuan had.

Or more specifically he had accepted some of his offers. Of course he hadn't accepted any form of money but rather he had taken on the 'job' of taking care of Puqi Shrine. In return he was allowed to stay there leisurely and was guaranteed three meals a day, something he hadn't had when he was on the streets. 

Of course he still had some pride left and so he worked on the side to save up enough to get his own proper house and to quit emploding on Xie Lian, much to the delight of Crimson rain Sought Flower (who frankly hated his presence in the shrine of his husband).

Xie Lian had personnally recommended busking, spinning plates, eating swords or breaking rocks on his chest to win money, but frankly the idea of shoving a sword down his throat didn't seem very appealing, nor did he have the strength to go around pounding rocks on his chest.  So how did he do?

Well nonetheless of his current situation, Shi Qingxuan had once been a young lord, of course he had many of the teachings he had been taught and practiced for hundreds of years. Thus he decided that the ways of trash collecting weren't for him and he instead sold paintings and calligraphy.

"Well Old man Pei, aren't you a little shameless?"

The little twerp snapped him out of his thoughts and he humphed. He grabbed the boy by the scruff of his neck and 'escorted' him to the door.

"Hey! What are you doing, the shrine is open to all!"

"Perhaps, but as the guardian of this shrine my job is to get rid of the trash inside of this fine establishment. Especially pesky little boys who try to play hooky."

The boys face turned red at first but by the last sentence turned it paler then a ghosts. 

"Will you tell papa?" He whispered. Shi Qingxuan grinned.

"Not if you buy me a meat bun." The boy started yelling again and Shi Qingxuan laughed. "I'm just kidding, now shoo unless you want a beating from your father later."

The boy reluctantly did as he was told, at first he seemed quite glum but he quickly perked up and waved goodbye to the handsome young man. Shi Qingxuan waved back enthusiastically, then turned back inside. He quickly whipped out a brush and started painting.

He continued to make brush strokes until his wrist started to go numb as he got up... Only to see Xie Lian and Hua Cheng smiling at him from behind (well Hua Cheng was glaring but still).

"GAHH!" He jumped, startled. "How long have you been here?"

"Sorry, sorry." Xie Lian apologized, barely holding in laughter, Hua Cheng on the other hand didn't even bother to cover it. "We came in about 10 minutes ago, sorry, you just seemed so concentrated that I didn't want to interrupt. If only San Lang could practice your writing this diligently." He elbowed Hua Cheng slightly and the ghost king pouted slightly.

"Your highness, you flatter me, what brings you here?" Shi Qingxuan composed himself nearly immediately and smiled.

"Ah, I had a lot of prayers regarding a monster around this area so I figured I'd swing by." He smiled. Shi Qingxuan laughed.

"Your highness is truly kind, do you need help with anything? Hold on I'll just brew a pot if tea." He quickly poured a cup of tea for the two.

"No, just a simple troublemaker." He answered while graciously taking the tea. Shi Qingxuan raised an eyebrow.

"Just a simple troublemaker enticed the arrival of a ghost king and a god of your caliber?"

"Ah well, you know-" Xie Lian started but Shi Qingxuan cut him off quickly.

"Not to mention that puqi village is indeed quite small, our number of prayers can't be that large and yet they managed to reach you? Even if you do pay closer attention to Puqi Shrine then others since it was your first temple wouldn't it make most sense for the followers to pray at their temple? And yet the number of people coming to this temple haven't increased by much nor has anyone come particularly panicked. 

Your Highness are you sure this is just 'a troublemaker'?" Shi Qingxuan finished off his interrogation with a satisfied huff.

"Why do you care? Isn't this out of your jurisdiction, after all you've long since given up the title of Wind Master." Hua Cheng smiled but his words were like venom. Shi Qingxuan furrowed his brows but he couldn't refute his words. He was no longer a god, he was no longer the Wind master.

That title had long since been lost, just like his brother.

"Now, now San Lang, Shi Qingxuan was asking out of concern." Xie Lian scolded, he turned to his friend. "To be honest we've been trying to catch this monster for quite some time and he was last spotted near Puqi village."

"He must be quite strong to be able to slip from your grasp for so long!" Shi Qingxuan exclamed. "What sort of monster is he? Perhaps I've had experience with him before!"  

Xie Lian and Hua cheng exchanged a look.

"Your highness, I'll be fine either way, if we can get bait it'll simply be done quicker." Hua Cheng had gotten awfully close to Xie Lian in the past minutes and by now he was practically whispering in his ear.

Xie Lian sighed and they exchanged a few whispered a few more quiet words in secret. 

"Your highness, you've helped me more times then i could've ever hoped for, if I can return the favor I'm willing to act as bait! After all, your highness will protect me! Your highness is simply the strongest! Ahahahahahah."

Xie Lian sighed, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's a monster that you've definitely had experience with, it's- it's a Reverend of Empty Words."

Shi Qingxuan stared at him strangely. He put on an awkward smile and tried to stop his nervous laughter from escaping, he tried to calm down the growing goosebumps to crawl up his arms and forced a grin onto his face.

How Pathetic am I? His highness has done so much for me, besides the incident was more than 10 years ago, snap out of it!

"That's what you were scared of? Of course I'll help, it'll be easier for you and besides, I've long since forgotten about him! THIS ELDER IS NOT A COWARD!"He boasted and Xie Lian had to laugh along. Even Hua Cheng's lips curled upwards as they chattered on.

Little did anyone know that Shi Qingxuan's fingers were still shaking.

End Of Chapter One

Hello! I needed a happy ending for my baby Shi Qingxuan so here we are! Thank you so much for reading!

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