Chapter 10

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As days passed, Jack went into a coma.  Zack stayed by Jack's side, Rian and Alex would come by and visit Jack and Zack.

Zack had his hand in Jack's hand talking quietly "Lex and I went on a date before this whole thing happened" Zack said "it was amazing, I truly think I love him" Zack said. "Do you think he loves me back?" He asked, not expecting an answer.

"Absolutely" Jack murmured as his eyes fluttered open before closing briefly, a low moan coming out of his lips, as he complained about the bright hospital lights.

Zack smiled as he saw Jack's eyes fluttered open for a moment, and he couldn't help but be relieved and excited. When Jack started to moan, Zack's smile softened as he took Jack's hand and started talking to him.

Zack couldn't help but gush about how much he loved Alex and how amazing the date was. 

Zack quickly alerted the medics that Zack was conscious, before getting whisked out of the room while they do final check ups.


As Jack slowly emerged from his unconscious state, his eyes adjusted to the harsh hospital lights. He winced at the discomfort but managed a weak smile when he recognized Zack by his side.

"Hey there," Zack whispered, relief evident in his voice. "You gave us quite a scare, buddy."
Jack managed a faint smile in return, his gaze shifting between Zack's concerned face and the sterile hospital room. The memories of the attack flooded back, and he winced at the pain that accompanied the recollection.

"I'm sorry," Jack rasped, his voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to drag you all into this mess."
Zack shook his head, squeezing Jack's hand reassuringly. "Don't apologize, man. We're in this together. Rian and Alex have been here every day too."

As if on cue, Rian and Alex walked into the room, their faces lighting up at the sight of Jack awake. The friends exchanged a mixture of emotions — relief, joy, and lingering concern.
"Jack, you scared the hell out of us," Alex admitted, his voice choked with emotion. "But we're here for you. Always."

The medical team conducted their final checks, and as they left, Jack took a deep breath. "What happened?" he asked, his eyes searching for answers.

Rian hesitated, exchanging a glance with Zack before explaining the events leading to Jack's hospitalization. Jack listened in stunned silence as the details unfolded, processing the gravity of what had occurred.

"Jesus Christ" Jack muttered as he rubbed his face in shock. "Am i- how long was i out for?" Jack asked. 

"Four days" Alex said, "a lot less than what doctors expected" Alex added quickly. 

Zack moved away from Jack's side as he sat on Alex's lap, his fingers threading through Alex's hair peacefully.

"let's play a game" Alex suggested, the three agreed, and settled down as they discussed game options, before they settled for an online game of cards against humanities. 

As the group immersed themselves in the lighthearted banter of the card game, the hospital room transformed into a haven of laughter and camaraderie. The tension and worry that had gripped them began to ease, replaced by the simple joy of being together.

As the cards were dealt virtually, witty remarks and outrageous combinations sparked uproarious laughter. Despite the challenging circumstances, the friends found solace in the familiar dynamics of their friendship. Jack, though weakened, joined in the revelry, grateful for the distraction from the harsh reality of his injuries.

The game unfolded with a mix of competitive spirit and good-natured teasing. Jack, feeling a renewed sense of connection with his friends, couldn't help but appreciate the genuine support surrounding him.

At one point, Zack leaned against Alex, his fingers still entwined in Alex's hair. The subtle gesture spoke volumes about the unspoken bond that had developed between them. Jack, observing the scene, smiled knowingly.

As the game progressed, the group shared stories, jokes, and even some embarrassing anecdotes from their past. The hospital room, once a place of somber reflection, echoed with the sounds of laughter and friendship.

In those moments, the weight of the recent events lifted, if only temporarily. The power of their collective resilience and the healing balm of laughter helped them navigate through the difficulties they faced.

As they continued to play, the friends realized that, despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, they had something invaluable – each other. The hospital room became a sanctuary of not just recovery, but also of the enduring bonds that had withstood the test of adversity.Amid the card game, Jack couldn't help but feel a profound gratitude for the friends who stood by him, turning a bleak hospital room into a place of warmth and connection.

once the game had ended, The four sat in silence for a bit, before Rian spoke up "The police found out who it was" He said quietly. 

"Who?" Alex asked as he held Zack, his arms wrapped around Zack's waist nervously. Zack yawned softly as he looked at Rian curious at who did this. 

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