A/N: There are next to no Beach Boys fanfics and even then, there seems to be a lack of Carl Wilson fanfics, so here we go, my best shot at writing for that angel.

Also TW for abuse.

Y/N sighed as she brought her hand to the door, getting ready to knock. She didn't want to come here, and she definitely didn't want to see the occupant of the house either but she almost had no choice.

After a few minutes of debating the pros and cons in her mind, she finally knocked on the door, she stepped back slightly. She fiddled with her fingers anxiously. After a few minutes of waiting, she heard footsteps approach the door. Then, she came face to face with him.

"What are you doing here?" Carl hissed at Y/N. Carl was the bandmate of Bruce, Y/N's older brother. Y/N and Carl had never really got on and more often than not, Dennis and Bruce had to sit in between them.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know where to go." Y/N whispered, she blinked rapidly in an attempt to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes as she looked at the guitarist.

"You didn't know where to go? Y/N, you have an older brother, you should know where to go." Carl rolled his eyes and began to shut the door on her.

"Carl, please. I know I have Bruce, but I really can't go to Bruce for this." The door reopened.

"What do you mean you can't go to Bruce? Y/N, what's happened?" Carl's face changed as the tears started to fall out of Y/N's eyes. Carl grabbed her arm gently and pulled her into his house.

"Y/N, talk to me." Carl said. Truth be told, he was a little annoyed by the fact she had shown up on his doorstep out of nowhere, disturbing his Thursday evening, but he was a little worried. He despised the woman, but he had never seen anyone this upset, and she chose to go to him over her brother which made Carl worry more. He knew that Y/N and Bruce were practically inseparable so the fact she hadn't gone straight to him was concerning.

"H-he hurt me again. I can't tell Bruce because you know what he's like." Y/N sobbed, Carl handed her some tissues from his coffee table after he helped her sit down.

"Your boyfriend hurt you?" This was news to Carl. He knew she'd been in a relationship with a guy called Colin, but he didn't know a lot about him. He'd overheard Bruce complaining to Al and Dennis about the guy a fair few times, Bruce seemed to hate him.

Y/N nodded and looked down at her knees.

"Y/N, hey. I know we're not friends or anything but I'm here if you want to talk about it." Carl offered, his tone softer than earlier. He decided to not further question why she came to him instead of her brother.

"Thank you." She sniffed. "Carl, I am so sorry that I came here. I panicked. I left him, I broke up with him and I was too scared to go straight to Bruce because I know how angry he's going to be."

Carl stayed quiet as she explained, giving her sympathetic nods every now and then to signal that he was listening to her.

"He's been violent the whole time we've been together, he hits me, he kicks, he's verbally abusive too. He's horrible. Bruce hates him, he always tells me how I need to leave him, how he's no good for me, but I never listened because I was so in love with Colin that I was foolish enough to believe he loved me despite everything he was doing. I'm honestly too embarrassed to go to Bruce, I should have listened to him." Y/N cried heavier, Carl awkwardly moved an arm around her and he pulled her into his side in an attempt to comfort her.

Carl found that he was angry, he wasn't sure why. What Colin had done to the girl who was sitting broken in his arms was awful, but why Carl felt like this, he wasn't sure. He hated Y/N, he really did. He hated it when she would come with Bruce to the studio or a Beach Boys hang out, he hated it when she laughed and joked with his brothers and the other band members. Carl hated her, but right now, he felt this overwhelming urge to help her and keep her safe.

"Shit, Y/N. I'm sorry. I can't believe someone would treat you like that. You did the right thing in walking out, and don't worry about telling Bruce, you don't have to straight away, we can figure out a way to tell him without him going insane. Can I just ask, you don't have any open cuts or bruises, do you? I can get some plasters and antiseptic."

Y/N showed Carl a few small cuts hidden behind some hair and some that were hidden behind her jumper as well as some bruises. Carl grabbed some medical supplies and some ice and set to work on cleaning the girl up.

"Thank you." Y/N whispered as Carl finished up.

"It's not a problem Y/N. How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you."

Carl smiled at her and the two sat back on the sofa in silence, every now and then, Carl kept sneaking glances at his bandmate's sister as her eyes started to flutter shut. He watched her as she fell asleep and draped a blanket over her.

"Goodnight Y/N."


When Y/N woke up a few hours later, she felt a panic rise up in her, it was dark, she was alone, and she was confused as to where she was. She began to cry again as she remembered what had happened earlier and then she remembered, the last time she walked out on Colin, he rang Bruce to demand she return to him. This made her panic more as Bruce had no clue as to where she was, and she had no idea if Colin had rang her older brother.

The door to the room slowly opened and a figure moved into the room, Y/N began to panic more.

"Please don't, Colin, please don't touch me." Y/N croaked out, still half asleep and confused as to where she was.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, it's okay. It's Carl. I'm here, I've got you, okay?" The figure got closer, it was Carl. He rushed over to her and sat next to her, he pulled her into his side and rubbed circles on her back, trying to get her to calm down.

"I-I'm sorry Carl. I woke up confused and panicked and then got scared because I thought you were him. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up and-"

Carl cut her off.

"It's okay, Y/N. I don't mind. I'd rather make sure you're okay. I shouldn't have left you alone. Look, this is a bit of a weird question, but can I take you to my bedroom? We can um, share my bed? Just so I know you're okay. I apologise if that's uncomfortable for you, I just, never mind, I'll stay with you here." Carl mumbled.

"I don't mind, I just don't want to be alone." Y/N smiled up at the guitarist.

"I think my bed may be comfier than the sofa" He helped her to her feet and guided her up the stairs. Carl pulled back the duvet and they both got in the bed. Carl moved as close to the edge as he could to give her space, and he hated her so he didn't want to be too close.

"Carl? Um, this is a bit of an awkward question, but could you move a bit closer, please? I'd um, feel a bit safer if maybe I could hug you?" Y/N asked shyly.

Carl internally sighed but agreed and moved closer to her, she rested her head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around her. She let out a sigh of relief before closing her eyes again.

"Thank you Carl. Good night."

"Night Y/N."

Hours later when the pair awoke again, Y/N shot up and started apologising non-stop to Carl for having slept on him and having gone to his house in the first place.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I definitely overstepped last night, in general, not just with the hugging. I shouldn't have come here knowing how much you hate me, I should have been less of a coward and gone to Bruce's house straight away. I'm so sorry Carl, I'll leave now. I completely overstepped your boundaries." Y/N crawled out of Carl's bed, found her shoes, grabbed her bag from the hallway and ran out of the man's house before he was able to get a single word in.

Carl frowned, the night had been unexpected and confusing, but he knew he'd changed his mind about Y/N Johnston and he needed to go after her.

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