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The Hogwarts Castle was bustling with joy for the Halloween feast was near. The gang of mischievous marauders drawed close toward the door, walking through before going to the Gryffindor table.

Cassiopeia Black, a pureblood ravenclaw twin sister to Sirius Balck, sat down first, then on her right sat,

Remus Lupin, a half-blood gryffindor cursed with a lifetime of howling under the moons once a month, sat on her right beside her before making his infamous Remus Lupin sandwich.

On her right sat Allison Pettigrew a gryffindor in the year below them, yet she still joined them in their marauders activities.

Opposite Remus sat Alexia Potter, a gryffindor twin to James Potter, and a lovely girl peacefully laying her head on the table to go back to take a nap.

Next to her sat James Potter, her twin brother and a gryffindor, he chose this seat to be able to see a ravenclaw girl called Cgarlotte LaCroix.

Peter Pettigrew sat next Alexia Potter, choosing to dive right into the different food layer out before him and eat till he can't anymore.

And finally sitting next to James Potter was his partner in crime Sirius Black who also chose to sit there to get a better look at a hufflepuff girl called Evelyn Rose who sat next to Charlotte at the ravenclaw table.

"Do you guys think I'll be able to talk to her this year?" James asked, still staring googley-eyed at the Ravenclaw girl.

"Yeah, sure, James." Alexia replied before slowly drifting off back to sleep.

"Yeah, of course ya can mate!" Sirius said lightly, hitting his back before pouring himself some pumpkin juice.

"I don't know how you can drink that vile juice Padfoot it's fucking disgusting." Cassiopeia said giving the juice in her brothers hand a look as though it had personally offended her.

"You know what Rusty stick to your tea and I'll stick to my pumpkin juice, yeah." Sirius replied in a snarky toan.

"What's crawled up your arse and died?" Allison asked him.

"Nothing-" he was about to deny even more before Remus interrupted him.

"He's jealous that Ev won't give him a chance but will go out with that Diggory bloke." Remus told them before snickering to himself.

Before the rest of the conversation can go on the great hall doors bang open and  there stood,

Euphemia and Fleamont Potter

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy

Orion and Wallburga Black

Cyngus and Druella Balck

Alprad Black

Arcturus and Melania Black

Bellatrix and Rolpdus Lestrange

Molly and Arthur Weasley, along with their three kids Charlie, Bill, and Percy

The Prewett twins Fabian and Giedon

Andromeda and Ted Tonks with their daughter Nynphodora or as she likes to be called Tonks

Amelia Bones

Alastor Moody

A few aurors

And the minster of magic.

"What is the meaning of this, Dumbledore?" The minster of magic shouted.

"I wouldn't be shocked if he fucking didn't the bustard knows everything." Alexia said to her friends making then all laugh.

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