"I have no status yet, it's normal to be in this situation." Helian Wei Wei asked a yamen runner to prepare some tea. When he left, she continued, "I will get rid of these people one day. What's the fun in taking out just one of them, it would be better to eradicate all of them in one strike."

Chen Liang was frustrated, but his anger turned into excitement, coursing through his veins when he heard what Helian Wei Wei mentioned. When he recalled the methods used by Boss in the past, every one of them was a shocking surprise. He wondered curiously what she would do this time.

"Boss, when are you making your move? Count me in! Their eyes are too focused on the money, they're not worthy to work for the people!"

Helian Wei Wei knew that he had an honest heart. As she touched her ring, a cold light shone from her eyes, she then uttered, "Don't be impatient, they're the ones who should be anxious..."

Magistrate Liao and Old Master Yan were indeed terribly anxious, like a cat on a hot tin roof. They knew the funds were arriving soon, but the carrier informed them that the superiors had ordered him to pass through Fuping County to deliver it.

Governor Chen is a villainous and cunning man. He always behaves disinterestedly and ambiguously, not wanting to reveal anything important to anyone.

This slightly irked Magistrate Liao. When he returned to Fuping County, he sent his men to invite Helian Wei Wei for a meal again. However, at the table with several other county magistrates, he spoke vaguely without naming anyone, covertly implying that someone should look at the big picture and not worry about unnecessary details. From the Fuping County to the surrounding villages, the most crucial agenda was the road construction. Only with that, the people in the country would prosper!

"Don't worry. As a magistrate, I won't take the lion's share. When the road is done, the people and the imperial court will be elated. Don't bother yourself, there's no need for you to do any troublesome things!"

Helian Wei Wei purposely ignored his words, smiling slightly as she rotated the cup in her hand.

Magistrate Liao glanced at her from the corner of his eye and added, "Lord Wei, let's hear your opinion on this."

"My opinion?" Helian Wei Wei nonchalantly drank her tea and replied, "I've already told Magistrate Liao last time. The second drought is coming soon, I'm just thinking about how to prevent it."

Magistrate Liao mockingly said, "Lord Wei is such a kind officer, always putting the people first. However, you need to be more open-minded sometimes. Maybe no one actually wants you to do that."

The rest of the officers joined in the laughter. Magistrate Liao was secretly hinting that Helian Wei Wei had overestimated herself. From their eyes, she was not even worth a mention.

Helian Wei Wei merely squinted and smirked, "We shall wait and see."

They burst into a fit of laughter again when they heard her.

They heard that this new county magistrate ignorantly went to the provincial capital despite having no influential connections. In the end, she failed to meet anyone and returned disappointedly. What gave her the confidence to go against Magistrate Liao like this? She even thought that she had the power to turn the table by herself. Hahaha, this bumpkin! Such recklessness!

However, they were oblivious to what was currently happening. Governor Chen had just returned to the provincial capital when he received a very important letter.

"You're finally back, Old Master!" The servant stood at the door, quickly passing the letter to Lord Chen and said, "This is from the private advisor of young master's friend, he asked me to give it to you."

The Anarchic Consort (1)Where stories live. Discover now