Chapter 1 - The Transfer

Start from the beginning

It's somewhat comforting to know fucked up shit happens in central as well as down town and the outskirts.

"Excuse me, bare HAND? As in single? Not bare HANDS, as in plural?" I ask holding up both my hands.

"Yep. One hand is all it took. She is fucking huge, with monstrous strength to pair. However tall you imagined her before, she's twice as big. Your probably no taller then her legs, actually, probably shorter."

"Damn..." I say trying to imagine what that would be like.

"And the gibberish she speaks? Yeah, apparently that's just old English, but thankfully, she barks orders in modern English. She threatens people a lot, just as much as she actually physically assaults' them so its a 50/50 chance if she's serious or not."

"Why would anyone ever work for her??" I ask with eyes slightly widened by shock.

"I worked their once for a few weeks years ago, they gave me enough money to pardon my student debts, had I stayed, I'd be a millionaire by now. But I knew I'd have died if I stayed any longer, she really doesn't like men. I heard they had to stop hiring men all together because she'd just relentlessly bullied and or killed them." He said rather nonchalantly.

"That doesn't sound traumatic at all." I say sarcastically.

A giant women with secret murder rooms who hates men. I know I'm mentally ill because that should scare me, but it doesn't.

"Its not so bad, there are lots of ways to avoid her and its all in the job description. But I REALLY don't recommend working for her. I almost died myself, many times, that's how I lost my left horn, I was, quote on quote, breathing too loudly." He said in a mocking posh tone while making air quote gestures with his hands.

Just then as we turned the corner, a small explosion erupted from the buildings up ahead, we gave each other a knowing look and nod as we ran towards it. We met up with other officers at the scene, more were on the way, I assisted with leading some civilians out of the way but wild purple fire emanating from the bomb site began to spread along the road. I flooded the streets with my own magic, stretching it out of my finger tips as hundreds of threads, carefully weaving blankets over the fire to eradicate it. A blast of fire was suddenly hurdling towards me, one of the criminals must have noticed I was undoing their work. I quickly whipped my strings upwards from the road to shield all of us along the street, before whipping it back down, conjuring a shock wave powerful enough to knock back most of the fires assault. My instructor looked impressed.

"Permission to apprehend the criminals sir?" I ask my instructor, turning my head to look at him, he was evacuating the last of the civilians.

"Do what you can but keep your distance until reinforcement's arrive! We do not know how many of them there are, or how many of them have powers." He ordered, and I nodded.

Sure, I'll do what I can, and what I can do is take them all down. But I couldn't tell him that.

In the distance were the perpetrators, just 3 thugs in masks with stolen property in big bags, I chuckle, its almost cartoonish. Clearly only one of them had abilities or else I'd have sensed more magic, or one of them would have had the sense to help their fire wielding friend to cover their escape. I loosely wrapped my strings around me as a make shift shield just in case, as I propelled myself forward towards the fire wielder. My knees collided with his face and a lowed crack and scream echoed as he fell to the floor, the fire disappearing along with his consciousness. The other two tried to run away, but I effortlessly stretched my strings to wrap around their ankles and pulled them back as hard as I could, more echoing cracks and screams followed as they fell faces first into the stone cold ground. Taking a breath and sigh of relief I step back and allow my strings to tightly incarcerate them.

Threat of Annihilation (Marigold Tempest x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now