Chapter 2

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As the trio walked into the great hall, their eyes immediately were captured by the enchanted ceiling. This night sky was so clear, lit up with stars, and cloudless. A lot more beautiful than what was really happening outside of the castle. Flickering candles suspended high in the air gave the sense that the sky really went on forever. It was one of Ravena's favorite things about the castle. 

"With all these new first years, sorting will take forever I'm sure." mused Ominis.
"Great, more time to catch up!" Ravena attempted to perk up the group. 
Sebastian didn't reply, gazing around the room with the same daunting look on his face that he had on the train in. 

Feeling dejected, Ravena looked towards the ceremony, sitting down at the Slytherin table. She noticed Imelda sitting a few seats away and waved. "Imelda! Are you ready for the new quidditch season? How are we faring on setting up tryouts?" Ravena called out. 
"Great honestly! I'm planning on an extra long tryout so we can really weed out the best talent." replied Imelda. Imelda had surprisingly been a great source of support in the past year of Ravena's life. She, unlike Sebastian, attempted to celebrate Ravena's birthday over the summer even. 
"Just let me know when! I've been practicing my seeking over the break" smirked Ravena, glad to have the prospect of spending her last year at school with a built up team. Ravena turned to Ominis and Sebastian again. "Seb, are you going to try out this year? It is your last chance after all" asked Ravena.
"I don't know. Haven't given it that much thought..." replied Seb. Ominis interjected "well come on now Seb. You are a talented flier and she's right, it is your last time to do it. Might as well. You can live the experience for the both of us."
"...I'll think about it." was all Sebastian mustered in reply.

"Alright, Seb? I don't know what is going on with you, but I honestly want to know and need to know. You haven't been acting yourself. I can tell something is wrong. And, I'm honestly hurt that you didn't reach out to me all summer. Not even on my birthday... please. We are your best friends. What has happened?" stuttered out Ravena. 
"Whatever it is, we can help." joined Ominis
"Oh, um, nothing. I'm just not feeling well. And feeling out of sorts for a while. I'm actually going to skip dinner." Seb rushed out before getting up from the table and dashing out of the great hall. 

"Okay, what was that about? He can't seriously think we believe he's fine?!" cried Ravena. 
"I'm honestly not sure, Rav. But until he tells us something, let's not press it. He is technically and adult now, and should be able to confront us when he needs to." replied Ominis.
"Fine. I just really wish I could understand why he hasn't been that reliable of a friend. I mean, you even flew to me for my birthday Omi! That's what friends do when their best friend becomes an adult! But fine. We will leave it alone. Will you come with me to the Room of Requirement later and help me feed the animals? Deek has been taking care of them, but I've missed them like crazy!"
"Of course Rav, anything for you." Ominis smiled devlishly. 


After the sorting ceremony was wrapped up and the feast was demolished, Ravena and Ominis walked up to the hidden entrance to the RoR. After they walked inside and said hello to Deek, Ravena took Ominis through the potions room, the plant nursery, the alterations portion, and each vivarium. They both collected plants, made a stock pile of potions for later, and brushed and fed all the animals. By the time they were done, their clocks flashed 12 am. 
"Godric, we've been at this for hours. I had no idea how long that was taking!" mused Ravena.
"Right, and now we have to walk all the way down to the dungeons and still go through all of our trunks and things." Ominis said with a pout.
"Actually, why don't I just conjure up a room for us up here to sleep? That way we won't have to spend any more time and we will be closer to classes in the morning?" Ravena suggested.
"I'm so tired, I will do whatever is the easier option, Rav."
"Alright, let me think..." Ravena closed her eyes and after a few moments, a door appeared to the right of them. "Amazing! Let's go. We can have Deek apparate and get us some clothes. Oh Deek!"
Ominis walked into the room that Rav conjured. It was beautifully adorned in blacks and green velvet. The only problem was, there was a single, king sized bed. Not two individual beds. However, the room had a bathroom adjoining it, which was useful for getting ready.

"Um. Rav? There's only one bed in here? Can you think up another one?"
"What? Ugh that is irritating. Hold on, let me think.." Rav bunched up her nose, concentrating heavily. But nothing was happening.
"Well?" Rav asked, still closing her eyes. 
"Nothing. I thought this room could do anything? Why isn't is working?" Ominis said, exasperated. 
"Honestly Om, I have no idea. But it is big enough for both of us to sleep on. I'll put some pillows in between us to have a barrier. That good with you? I'm too tired to care anymore" Rav hurried and said, before collapsing on one side of the bed. 
"Sure Rav, if you are fine with it. Goodnight." Ominis said before building the barrier himself. Ravena had already passed out and was breathing heavily beside him. 

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