Chapter 1

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*(MC) Ravena Rialto. 7th year Hogwarts student. Wielder of ancient magic. Keeper of decades old secrets. 

Ravena has long, silky black hair. Tan skin with freckles. She has a two inch long scar across the bridge of her nose. Big, emerald green eyes speckled with hazel. Her full lips can turn into the perfect pout, or be the catalyst for her next comeback. *

As she packs the last of her luggage, Ravena begins to ponder about her summer. 
She spent a lot of time by herself, not being able to rely on Sebastian or Ominis, or anyone else she had grown close to.

Sebastian has his own issues going on, she knows that. But that doesn't mean he can't spare her 10 minutes to write a letter, send an owl, floo to her. But he has been too occupied with Anne  and the affairs of his uncle's estate. 

Ravena, Ominis, and Anne decided not to turn Sebastian in for killing his uncle at the end of their 5th year. None of them could bear the thought of him leaving for the rest of his life for Azkaban, some saying it's a fate worse than death. Since then, Sebastian has felt more distant, more reserved. Almost as if he is afraid to step over the line, to mess up again. 

"Well, that's the last of it" Ravena mumbles as she closes up her school trunk. She has been staying at the Leaky Cauldron over the summer, not having a stable place to stay at. "I guess I'll see Sebastian and Ominis on the train... maybe". And with that, Ravena grabbed the last of her things to head to the station.


Looking around, there were seemingly tons of new faces on the train. Ravena hadn't seen this many new incoming students before. It was getting overwhelming. "Godric's Arse, are there any open compartments?" Ravena hadn't seen sight of Ominis or Sebastian either. 

Ravena ended up all the way towards the back of the train, still looking for a place to sit. She rounded the bend and peered into the last compartment on the left. Sebastian's face appeared in front of her behind the glass, spooking her. "SEBASTIAN what are you doing?" Ravena called out. "I'm.. just looking for the trolly. Want to have a seat?" Sebastian asked. Ravena slid into the compartment, putting her bag down by Ominis. "How have you been Ominis? I haven't heard from you in a little while." 
"I've been good Rav, I've missed you! How was your birthday?" Ominis asked.
"It was.. okay. Nothing special happened really." replied Ravena. 
"nothing special? It was your 18th! You are an adult now. Even though you've been dealing with adult things for years now" Ominis scoffed. Sebastian quipped in "Oh Rav, I'm so sorry. I forgot to send you an owl for your birthday. I have just been so.. occupied." 
"No, I know Seb, it's okay.. I.. It was another day. I have missed you both though" Ravena replied. 

Sebastian was sitting by the window, looking out across the misty lake, slight rain pattering against the panes. Ravena noticed he looked sad, his eyes deep and dark. 
"Seb, are.. are you okay? How has everything been going with Anne?" Ravena asked.
"Oh just fine. Just busy, you know? She is hoping to join us for a few classes when she feels okay."
"That would be great Seb! It would be great to see her more." 
"Yeah.. great.." replied Sebastian, turning his face back to the window. 
"He's.. a little worried about the prospect of it all. More things to worry about,  more things on his plate. He'll be okay though." whispered Ominis.
"Well Seb, we are here for you. You know that right?" asked Ravena.
"Hmm? Oh yeah. Yeah, I know. Look, we're almost at the stop for Hogwarts. Let's get ready to get off" Sebastian said in a low voice.
It seemed like Sebastian was trying to avoid the subject. But with how distant and tense things have been with him all summer anyways, Ravena let it go. 
"Alright, let's get ready to go. I want to unpack as soon as possible. And visit Deek and my animals." Ravena grabbed her bag and followed the two out of the train, as it came to a stop. 
"We will see where this year takes us.. especially if Sebastian is going to continue acting like he barely knows me" Ravena thought to herself. 


Never the SameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon