
The gang and Mouldywarp were now in an elevator descending further into the Earth. "No wonder the Pyroxovores came to the surface, it's like a furnace down here." Gwen complains, placing a hand on her head. "Is it always this hot?" Ben asks. "No, that's what I've been trying to fix. It's only been hot since all that magma started sipping up." Mouldywarp shares. "Magma?" Ben asks, and Mouldywarp leads them to a room with a machine collecting magma. "Woah." Ben says. They look around and spot Vulkanus at the control panel with his minions lining the area. "Who dares enter my lair of the-- oh not you again." Vulkanus sighs upon seeing the teens. "So you do know him?" Mouldywarp asks. "Vulkanus? Yeah, we know him. We don't like him, though." Kevin replies. "The feeling is mutual. Destroy them!" Vulkanus commands his minions. "Great." Aria sighs as the minions surround them.

 "Come on, I handled these losers last time. Is that all you got?" Ben asks. Vulkanus smirks and pushes a button, making two construction vehicles drive over to them. One with a drill and one with a claw. "You just had to ask." Aria walks over to her boyfriend. "Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa! We didn't even know you were here, okay?" Ben tries reasoning with Volkanus. "Why are you even here?" Aria asks. "Remember all that Taydenite that I took off of you?" Vulkanus asks Kevin. "Yeah, I remember." Kevin replies, touching his shoulder and Gwen side-eyes him. "Well, it was worth a fortune and you'll be glad to know I spent it wisely." A hologram appears in front of the group. "See? This is my planet now. I found the claim, paid the fees, and the whole fit. Completely legal." Vulkanus explains. "What does that mean? Planetary renovation permit?" Ben asks. 

"Exactly what it says. I get to change the atmosphere, the terrain, the oceans. Any way I want." Vulkanus shares. "That's what the bomb's for." Gwen notes. "Yup, I drop it down the shaft, it explodes in the magma in the center of the Earth and before you know it, I have all the comforts of home." Vulkanus explains. "Wait, home? Where you come from on a cool day it's 850 degrees." Kevin points out. "Uh-huh." Vulkanus agrees. "You thought I was crazy." Mouldywarp says. "You can't do that!" Aria tells Vulkanus. "Of course I can. Watch!" Vulkanus pushes a button, and a countdown starts. "You handle the minions and the robots. I'll stop Vulkanus." Ben tells the group. The drill slams onto the group behind them and the teens jump out of the way. Minions try attacking Mouldywarp but Aria knocks them away using crystals she manifested. "Yee-haw! I'd hope we'd get to some fighting!" Mouldywarp cheers and Aria smiles. Ben dodges the drill and the claw and runs away while they chase him.

 Kevin beats up the minions while Aria and Gwen watch, and the redhead throws a mana blast at Vulkanus, which he dodges and hides behind the control panel. "Somebody do something about her!" He tells his minions. Mouldywarp throws a minion away and then throws a bomb at the minions that surround them. "Harsh." Gwen comments. "I like it." Aria gives Mouldywarp a nod of approval. "See? She likes it." Mouldywarp points at Aria and throws another bomb at the minions. The minions back away, and the drill drives up to the trio. Gwen puts up a shield to block the shield. Kevin punches a minion into a wall and looks over at Gwen, who is struggling. He tries to run over to help, but the minions tackle him. Gwen's shield breaks, so Aria steps in, and puts up an energy shield, but that also breaks, leaving sparkles in its place. Ben looks at them and narrowly dodges the claw. 

"It's hero time, tinman!" Ben shouts and smacks his watch but doesn't transform. "Maybe my watch is fast." He comments and dodges the claw again. Volkanus looks down at the group, and Gwen's shield breaks, making it Aria's turn and the girl puts up a photonic shield. "Ben, what are you waiting for?" Gwen asks. "Maybe it's the heat!" Ben suggests. "Or maybe you're just not doing it right!" Aria tells him, attempting to push the drill back, which only resulted in it breaking. Gwen puts up a shield and struggles to keep it from breaking, and the dynamite Mouldywarp threw at the vehicle explodes, leaving a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, Mouldywarp held a bomb while Aria protected herself and Gwen with a force field. "Now get that ...." Mouldywarp tells Ben, pointing at Vulkanus. Ben successfully transforms into Spidermonkey. He climbs onto the bridge and takes out the minions in his way before kicking Vulkanus in his face, knocking him into the control panel. 

"Stop the countdown!" Spidermonkey demands. "Make me." Vulkanus challenges, recovering from the attack. His hand turns into a drill, and he tries attacking Spidermonkey, who jumps onto his back. "Stay put, will ya?" Vulkunas tells him, trying to get him off his back. Spidermonkey jumps off, pushing him to the floor, and lands in front of the control panel. Spidermonkey lunges at Vulkanus and releases a barrage of punches to his face. Vulkanus' suit malfunctions, and he growls charging at Spidermonkey, who jumps out of the way, and Vulkanus' arm gets trapped in the control panel. He tries to get out and looks behind him to see Spidermonkey dancing. Once he was done the Arachnachimp shot webs at him further trapping him onto the control panel. Vulkanus tries to get out but to no avail. "I'm stuck!" He shouts. "I know! I stuck you." Spidermonkey replies before lunging at Vulkanus and punching him in the face. "Now, stop the countdown!" He demands, however, Vulkanus speeds it up. 

"I said stop it, not speed it up!" Spidermonkey tells him. "My mistake." Vulkanus says, nonchalantly, and Spidermonkey squeaks. "When that bomb goes up, the magma will come right up into this chamber. It will kill you, too. Are you crazy?" Spidermonket asks. "That would be crazy." Vulkanus admits and pushes a button, opening a hatch in the ceiling. He then ejects out of his suit and flies out through it. The sound of beeping causes the minions to retreat, leaving the group curious. "That doesn't look good." Kevin points out. "Ben, what are you doing?" Gwen asks her cousin, who ran onto the bridge. "I can grab the bomb when it drops." Spidermonkey suggests. "Spidermonkey can't catch something that heavy." Aria points out. "No, but I know someone who is." Spidermonkey smirks and smacks his watch.

"Humungousaur!" Jetray shouts. "I really have to get that fixed." He sighs, seeing his transformation. The countdown hits zero and the bomb falls into the hole, and Jetray runs to it. "Ben. If that bomb reaches the Earth's core." Kevin starts. "We're toast." Gwen finishes. "I'm on it!" Jetray replies and flies down the hole and shoots a neurobeam from his eyes at the bomb. He then shoots the beam from his tail, and the bomb explodes. Jetray smiles but then frowns when he realizes that the fire from the blast is headed straight for him. He flies out, and an explosion follows him, getting a shout of surprise from the teens. Jetray detransforms and Ben lands on his butt. "Well?" Ben asks. "We're still here, aren't we?" Kevin asks. "So, then everything's okay?" Gwen asks, and Aria walks over to Ben and helps him up. "Yeah." Aria replies, looking around. "Where's Mouldywarp?" She wonders.


The gang goes back to the cave with the dynamites and finds Mouldywarp planting timers on them. "Um, what's with the timers?" Gwen asks. "To keep Vulkanus from coming back and dropping another bomb onto the shaft. After all, he did fill out the paperwork." Mouldywarp reminds them. They run back to Kevin's car, and the boy drives out of the tunnel while Mouldywarp laughs. The bomb eventually explodes, destroying everything.


The teens sat on Kevin's car while Mouldywarp looked down at the Pyroxovores. "I love it! Vulkanus spent a fortune on file and fees and got nothing in return." Kevin comments. "And we saved Earth from being turned into a giant hot planet." Gwen adds. "Now all we have to do is get the Pyroxovores back underground." Ben says. "I'll handle that. First, let's say we celebrate with a nice supper." Mouldywarp suggests. "I'm down to eat." Aria shrugs. "This looks like a good one!" Mouldywarp pats a Pyroxovore. "You eat them?" Aria asks with wide eyes. "'Course I eats them, they're my herd! Now, who wants barbeque?" Mouldywarp asks and Aria cringes. "Ew!" The Tennysons say. "Now that you mention it, I haven't had anything all day." Kevin pats his stomach, and Gwen elbows him. "What?" Kevin asks while Ben and Aria laugh. 


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