35 | nobody likes a smartass

Start from the beginning

"He watches cable." Esme, the patient tells them. "He thinks he's a doctor."

"We're giving you antibiotics and IV fluids to cool the gall bladder down and then we're gonna go call Dr. William and we're going to see if surgery is the best way for us to go." Maddison says.

"Do you have any questions?" Meredith asks them.

"Honey what happened to your forehead?" Esme asks, referring to Meredith's hello kitty band-aid, making Maddison chuckle.

"Nothing." Meredith shakes her head.

ADDISON AND HER FRIEND, Savvy sit on one side of the conference room, while Savvy's husband, Weiss sits on the other and Izzie stands in the doorway.

"My mother died of it. My aunt." Savvy tells him. "My cousin! She's 37, has ovarian cancer."

"But you don't." Weiss replies. "You don't have cancer! This is crazy, Sav."

"But I have the gene Weiss..." Savvy sighs, and Derek walks into the room with Maddison in tow.

"Which gives her up to an 85% chance of getting cancer, Weiss." Addison continues.

"And a 15% chance she won't." Derek adds, as Maddison walks towards Savvy.

"I'm sorry. Were you invited?" Addison asks.

"I'm not betting my life on 15%!" Savvy replies, as Maddison half hugs her. "Hi, darling."

"Hey, Sav." Maddison replies and goes to stand near Weiss, and greeting him, too.

"Weiss asked me to come." Derek replies, kissing Savvy's head and sitting down near Weiss.

"I thought it might help." Weiss says.

"Help what?" Savvy asks, then turns to Derek. "I'm sorry Derek, cause I love you and I'm really glad to see you but until you grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this disease you don't get... you don't get a vote."

"She tell you that they were trying to get pregnant?" Derek asks Addison.

"Yes, she did." Addison sighs.

"Having a hysterectomy is gonna throw a wrench into that." Derek continues.

"Derek! We've been trying for months." Savvy tells him.

"Why give up now?" Weiss asks.

"Come on. We've talked about this." Savvy says. "There are other ways to make a family Weiss. We can adopt, we can do-"

"Savvy, I just-" Weiss interrupts.

"No. NO!" Savvy replies, angry. "I'm not talking about this!"

"Let's just take a step back." Derek tells them. "Take a deep breath and think about this."

"I've already thought about it, Derek." Savvy tells him. "This... this is going to happen."

"Well, if she want to..." Maddison says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Derek asks, half turning to her.

"It is her body." Maddison tells him. "It's her decision, if she understands what she's giving up, I don't think anyone can change her mind."

"Exactly!" Savvy nods.

"I brought you here to help." Derek tells her.

"Thank you!" Addison sighs.

"Maddy's a kid." Weiss sighs.

"A kid with a PhD!" Savvy argues.

"Still a kid!" Derek replies.

"She's not a kid anymore, Derek." Addison tells him, making Derek give her an annoyed look.

"This conversation is so not about me being a kid or not." Maddison tells them, and they all fall silent.

Addison grabs Savvy's chart and hand it to Izzie.

"Dr. Stevens get a complete history and her pre-op labs." Addison tells her. "Get her scheduled for a double mastectomy and consult Dr. Quenar from plastics for a reconstruction."

"Derek." Weiss turns to Derek, upset.

"Addison, this conversation is not over!" Derek tells her.

"This-" Addison sighs, also annoyed. "She is my patient Derek! Doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow." Izzie looks hesitant. "Get moving."


do you guys want smut? i'm just asking, i'm not sure if i wanna write it

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