fake date

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"I need your help," is the first thing Malia says as she puts down her tray of food. Mabel looks at her friend curiously and notices all the tell-tale signs of nervousness from her body. Her look is genuinely frightened, making Mabel feel uneasy.

"Sure. What's wrong?" She rocks her leg up and down nervously, Malia's mood worrying her.

"I need you to go on a double date with me and Stevie," Malia blurts out, her uncertain eyes searching Mabel's face for a reaction.

"A double date? Is that why you're so freaked out?" asks Mabel, narrowing her eyes, a grin forming on her lips.

"Yeah, look, I really like Stevie, but I'm terrible at dating. You know my stories," she reminds her in a panic and Mabel laughs as she remembers all the fails Malia told her about the first day they met. That was one of the reasons they clicked immediately, sharing their experiences with eachother.

"And you think a double date is the solution? Mabel's tone is dubious.

"Yes, Mae. It would really help to have you around, and I um kind of already told them you'd be up for it," Malia mutters, looking down at her food.

"Why would you do that?" Mabel chuckles.

"I was panicking, okay?" Malia says defensively, but she smiles a little at herself too.

"God, I'm helpless," Malia sighs, resting her face in her hands.

"Hey, no, you're not," Mabel nudges her, making her look up.

"We'll work something out. I've just never been on a double date before, but I'm sure it'll go well," Mabel tries to reassure her, but it's not like she has the best track record on dates herself.

"Who do you want to take with you?" Malia asks curiously.

"Where to?"

"To the date, Mae," Malia reminds her, grinning.

"Well, it won't really be one, so I don't know," Mabel says shrugging.

"You can definitely take someone you like, Mae. I don't want Stevie and I to be the center of attention, and if you only bring a friend, it won't feel like a double date anymore," Malia argues, and Mabel can't disagree, but she has no intention of taking a date. It's not worth the risk of ruining what she and Leighton have, but it puts her in a difficult situation.

"Wait I have an idea," Malia says, as she stands up, her eyes fixed on someone.

"What do you-"

"Hey Leighton," Malia calls, interrupting Mabel as she waves at Leighton who just walked in across the room. She looks confused for a second but her eyes dart between Mabel and Malia and her lips curl into a smile as she makes her way towards them.

"With all your flirting, you guys already seem like a couple, so I'm sure it won't be hard to convince Stevie," Malia whispers triumphantly, leaning forward.

She straightens up again, motioning Mabel to move her bag from the seat next to her.

"Hey, it's good to see you," Malia says, greeting Leighton as she reaches her at her table.

"It's good to see you too," says Leighton. She means both of them, but she can't help but gaze at Mabel.

"Do you want to join us? You can sit next to Mabel," Malia says enthusiastically.

"Sure. What's got you so excited?" Leighton asks, amused, and Mabel is already bracing herself for Malia's answer.

Still, she ends up blushing heavily because Malia somehow thought it best to say:

Leighton Murray《 THE SEX LIVES OF COLLEGE GIRLS 》season 3Where stories live. Discover now