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At some point during their dinner, Leighton's phone chimes and she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She's really worried seeing Whitney's name on the screen and doesn't waste any time before calling her back.

"Hey babe, what's going on? What happened?" she asks nervously.

"Oh no, Leigh, don't worry everything is fine," Whitney reassures her, cheerfully.

"It's actually more than fine. He was super early and I was kind of unsure if he'd be offended that I brought Jackson, but he immediately was so nice to him and they're getting along great," Whitney gushes.

"I'm so happy for you Whit that sounds amazing," Leighton says relieved.

"Yeah me too. Oh and Jackson and I are gonna stay until tomorrow like we planned, so I'll be there when you guys get home."

"Okay great," Leighton nods.

"Hows the wedding going so far? You gotta take some pictures for me please," Whitney says.

Leighton nods as she leans against the sink, silently cursing that she didn't bring anything but high heels.

"Of course, but I think the ones the photographer took will be much better. I'll show them to you when I have them, but back to the wedding. It was so beautiful. Their vows where sickingly adorable and her dress was breath-taking," she explains with a smile.

"Good. I'm glad it went well. Was your bed as comfortable as you said it looked? It sounded amazing"

Yeah we slept well. It's really big, so there was plenty of room,' Leighton scrunches her face, annoyed at the obvious slip up. She should really think first before saying anything.

"Oh you slept together? I thought your mom booked a room for each of you," Whitney says, pretending to be confused.

Leighton huffs massaging her temple.

"Yeah we fell asleep in my bed."

"Ohh okay."

Leighton rolls her eyes, hearing Whitney's dopey smile through the phone.

"What?" her tone is sharp, causing Whitney to chuckle.


"No please Whit. Tell me what's on your mind," Leighton says.

"Um Jackson's calling me, I have to go. I'll speak to you tomorrow," Whitney says haistly as she stifles her laughter.

"Oh come on Whitney. I know he's not calling you I would hear-"

Leighton pauses hearing the beeping of her phone.

She's definitely not gonna let Whitney hanging up like this slide. It's not like she wanted Mabel to sleep in her bed.
Yes, it was nice, but that's beside the point. She shakes her head, desperately trying to get her mind to stop thinking about this.

Mabel and her are friends, who occasionally flirt, but that's definitely it. She knows, that trying something would only confuse things and she likes what they have. She just has to convince herself that it's enough.

She reapplies her lipglos, as she fidgets with her rings and takes one last look in the mirror before quickly walking back to her family's table.

Her mother gives her an annoyed look, but she just mouths the word "emergency" and shoots Mabel a smile, before listening to the best man's announcement.

Her mother and father are chatting with her aunt and uncle next to the dessert table, when the newlyweds finally open the dance floor for everyone.

Leighton Murray《 THE SEX LIVES OF COLLEGE GIRLS 》season 3Where stories live. Discover now