"Uncle sure is popular" he said with raised eyebrows as he was forced to scroll down the screen to find his name.

A brief moment of hesitation flashed across his chest.

Fuck it, he thought. He probably just sent me a stream of cute stickers anyway.

But when Jeff saw the number of messages from two days ago that Alan had sent him, he was almost dumbfounded.

His thumb brushed the screen, scrolling through the text. Almost three screens full of unanswered messages. And some cute stickers as suspected.

Jeff started to read.

9.00 am "Hey you not coming in today?"

9.10 am " Totally fine btw Im not being a demanding boss lol"

9.12 am "Just making sure u were OK"

9.13 am🐰

10.15am "If u arent feeling well thats fine. Well I dont mean fine, cause its not fine if u arent fine I just mean for work thats fine"

10.45 am "If u need me to bring you medicine I can do that No Prob just ask"

10.46 am😊

11.15 am "I see that new films out that we spoke about the other day thought maybe we could go watch it? u know once ur better"

Was Uncle asking Jeff out on a date? Jeff shook his head. Surely not. No way!

11.17 am "Only if u want to that is"

11.19 am "Just to clarify I didn't just mean me and u. Anyone's welcome. I'll prob ask the other guys here"

11.21am "Unless u don't want them to come?"

He rambles in text too then it seems, Jeff thought.

A small smile crept across the young mechanic's face as he thought about how the old man often had verbal diarrhoea when they talked.

Jeff looked back to the phone and continued to read.

3.45 pm "Missed u at the garage today"

3.46 pm "We!! I should have said we before that u know North Sonic Dean not just me obviously"

3.48 pm "Not that I didn't miss u. What I meant was not just me. We all care about u."

That smile was back, tugging at the corners of Jeffs mouth.

5.00 pm "Hey me again. Tried calling u but u hung up the phone"

5.03 pm " Im not blaming u or anything. Its totally fine"

5.03 pm🐹

9.30 pm "Called u again u didn't pick up this time"

9.32 pm "I really hope I haven't upset u Nong. Please call me or message whatever just let me know youre OK please"

Jeff read that final message more than once. In fact he couldn't pull his eyes away from it. He could feel the tenderness of the words. The same tenderness he thought he felt when they were talking at the dinner table not long ago.

A thought ran circles around his mind. "Was Uncle really that worried? ....... About me?"


Back in his car Alan rested his forehead against the black leather steering wheel.

It's fine, he thought to himself. Not a problem. Jeff probably forgot all about those unread messages. Why would he remember them anyway? It's not like they meant anything to him. It's not like they're a couple or anything.

A warm flush began to spread over Alan's cheeks when he thought about the two of them as a couple.

He lifted his head and reached for his seatbelt, clicking it into the lock.

Who was he kidding? Jeff was most definitely going to read those messages. If he hadn't already!

"Shit" was all he uttered as he put the car into gear and drove away.


"Hey Jeff..."

No that was no good, maybe he should say Nong, or Nuu.

Alan had been trying and failing to type a message to Jeff for the last forty five minutes. On his way home he had stopped off at the phone store and grabbed himself a new handset to replace the one he had given to the kid earlier that day.

Come on Alan, let's just do this, he thought. It's only a bloody message, you've sent plenty before.

That being the exact cause of his current predicament.

"Arghh" he ruffled his hand through his dark, glossy hair and began to tap the phone screen at speed.

"Hi Nuu it's P'Alan. From the garage. This is my new phone number. Thought you might need it if u wanted to call me. or text. Whatever u want. I hope u managed to get a rest today. Look forward to seeing u soon. Btw if u read those messages I sent from before. Just ignore them. I was just worried about u not responding. And the whole film thing. I wasn't asking u out on a date. No. Not at all. So forget it. See u soon"

Alan read the words he had just typed out loud.

"From the garage. What the hell was that? He bloody knows you're from the garage you idiot!"

"And why the hell are you talking about a date? Why mention the one thing you don't want him to think about? Jesus Alan, you really are a bumbling old man"

His head flopped forward as his hand and phone fell between his knees.


Blinking at a rather faster than usual rate he raised his head slowly. What was that sound?

His eyes turned to the right as he tilted his hand to look at the bright white of the phone screen.

As soon as he saw it he knew what he'd done. That tick, confirming his message had been sent, was glaring at him, almost mocking him.

He'd accidentally sent that bloody awful, rambling mess to Jeff.

Quickly, he thought, he needed to take remedial action.

"Sorry Nuu, I sent that message by mistake. Please ignore it. Total load of nonsense. As usual from me haha. Ignore it all. Every word."

He waited. And waited. No response. He threw the phone down onto the table.

Maybe Jeff hadn't seen the message? That would be the ideal scenario.

Or maybe he had and was too embarrassed and uncomfortable to reply.

"Alan you complete idiot" The words spilled from his mouth as he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

A vibration echoed.

Alan reached for the phone tentatively. Did he dare to look? Could this be the end of their friendship? The thought sent a wave of sadness across Alan's chest.

His heart was racing as he looked at the screen. He opened the message.

"Ask me in person next time I see you"

Ask him what? Alan was totally confused.

As if he could hear his thoughts, another message arrived.

"About the date Phi, ask me about the date🐰"


Pitbabe One Shot Alan and Jeff cute fluff- The PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now