Chapter 2

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Nagisa P.O.V

("How long has she been in love with me?") I asked myself while I'd slowly closed her diary. "I can certainly tell that she didn't fall in love with me recently, as it seems like she's been liking me for  a quite awhile. But when?" I asked myself while thinking of the times I'd spent with her, so that I could at least figure out what time period when she could of fallen for me. But then, that's when I realised that in the very first entry I'd read from her diary. Kanzaki had complimented me, and it wasn't just any ordinary compliment. She commented on my new look, and she pretty much liked it which only means one thing...

"P-Please don't tell me that Kanzaki-san... has actually been in love with me, since before the moon was destroyed..." I asked myself in response to figuring out when it was that Kanzaki had fallen for me, and even though I don't actually know when it was, I knew it had to be before the moon was destroyed. "But if that's the case, why would Kanzaki-san of all people, fall in love with me when there's literally nothing special about me?" I myself while I'd sighed. "I simply cannot just walk up to her and ask her about it, as it'll just make things complicated, and then, it'll affect our relationship with each other, and I simply don't want that to happen. But, I simply can't play dumb either, not after learning that Yukiko is in love with me. Damn it, it's so frustrating." I said out loud, as I simply didn't know what I should do now that I'm in this situation


Third P.O.V

Kanzaki is in her room alone, playing on her most treasured game in the world, which is a game called Gradius. "I so love games like Gradius, it always provides that tough and hard difficulty that people commonly complain about, but it's pretty easy in my opinion." Kanzaki said out loud along with a giggle as she continued to play her most treasured game. "But to be honest, it's shame that it's successor and all the other Gradius games I'd played aren't the same level of difficulty as the first one, as they'd made them easier. But then and again, if I were to get Nagisa to play Gradius with me, I'll likely get him to play one of the easiest one first, so that he can at least gain some experience." Kanzaki said out loud, and soon after she sighed. "But, I doubt that Nagisa would even want to play with me, and I'm so glad that none of the others know about my crush on him." Kanzaki told herself while having not enough confidence about Nagisa, but that's when she realises that the spot where she normally places her diary, is vacant which causes her to panic.

"WAIT! Where's my dairy?" Kanzaki had asked herself upon realising that her dairy isn't in it's usual spot. "I could of worn I'd taken it out of my...." Kanzaki couldn't finish her sentence, as fear took over her upon realising she might of lost it. "Wait.... Please tell me that it's in my bag, and that I didn't lose it." Kanzaki asked herself, which she then quickly rushed over to her schoolbag, and quickly opened it up, and her eyes widened in fear, as her diary wasn't there. 

Kanzaki P.O.V

After I'd rushed over to my schoolbag and quickly opened it up to see if I accidently left my diary in there. However, fear instantly took over me upon seeing that my diary wasn't there. "IT'S NOT IN MY BAG EITHER?! Don't tell me that I dropped it somewhere?" I asked myself while I kept panicking over the lost of my diary, as I've written very person stuff in there about myself, including about my classmates, especially Nagisa. ("Wait... I had my diary out in the classroom right before I went home, could I've accidently dropped in the classroom?") I thought to myself, as it made perfect sense that I could've accidently left it in the classroom or at least dropped it when I wasn't paying attention. But, that's when I realised that it was Nagisa's turn to help Korosensei to tidy up the classroom, and means that one of them might've found it by now. 

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