Part 9 - Is It /Not/ Wrong To Fall In Love Again?

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Maki's POV
Maki in an angry: For the last time Nobara, I won't let you in!
Hanako: Open the door now, Maki!
Maki: Ugh fine...

Once I opened the door, Nobara immediately hugged me but I pushed her. Hanako helped Nobara get up then let her sit on my bed.

Hanako: Now both of you talk about what the hell happened to you both. I'll be staying here because I know you might do something shit, Maki-kun

There was a few minutes of silence until Nobara asked me a question.

Nobara tearing up: Why do you always shout at me...? What did I do wrong, Maki-chan...?
Maki in an annoyed tone: You did something wrong, you just never notice
Nobara tearing up: Wh- What do you m- mean "I never notice"...?
Maki in an annoyed tone: It's about him, you always mention him! Every time I talk to you about something, you mention his name and you never listen when I talk to you!
Nobara in realization: Fushiguro...?
Maki: Now you realize now that I've told you who you mention every time?
Hanako in an annoyed tone: Just say sorry and forgive each other because this stupid fight you guys had or what-so-ever is being very ridiculous now

Nobara's POV
Nobara in a sad tone: I- I'm sorry, Maki-chan...
Maki with no emotions: I'm sorry too, Nobara
Hanako: Good, now you better not fight anymore once I leave
Nobara & Maki: Right....

Nobara's mind: Finally, our friendship is back...! I just hope she's okay now... Was she jealous of me & Fushiguro before? Hm... Probably....

My thoughts were cut off by Maki snapping her fingers in front of my face

Maki in a jealous tone: You thinking about Fushiguro again?
Nobara blushing in embarrassment: N- No... I'm just tired for crying too much...
Maki: Sigh... We can cuddle I guess...
Nobara blushing lightly: Thanks, Maki-chan

Nobara's mind while blushing lightly: Is it me or did I feel butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden...? Is it possible for me to like Maki-chan after breaking up with Fushiguro?

I Love You... (𝓜𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓨𝓾𝓳𝓲 & 𝓝𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓜𝓪𝓴𝓲)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant