Chapter Three! Stretching!

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"WOW! This actually is happening!!!!" I yelled.
My coach told us, "Hi, guys you got to keep it down the gymnasts need to hear what there coach is telling them and speaking of coaches, I am going to be your coach for the rest of the year."
"What's your name?" I said excitedly.
"My name is Lindsey, what's yours?"
I said in return, "My name is Sarah."
Sylvie said after me, "And my name is Sylvie."
"Hi,girls welcome to gymnastics class you are in pre-team, you aren't on team yet but, you are on your way and hopefully I train you well to go in team next year." Lindsey said to us.
"Ok, now let's get started with gymnastics skills, what should we start with today?, I know, let's start with hand stands," Lindsey told us.
So everyone on my "team" started doing hand stands, and I was first because I felt like being first and then I let Sylvie cut me so, I wasn't first for doing hand stands, the first skill of the day. Pre-team started with floor, A-team started with beam, B-team started with bars, and C-team started with doing vault. The first thing everyone did was stretch and condition do you don't pull a muscle. "Can I lead the stretch please?" One of my teammates asked Lindsey and her name is Charlie.
" Sure! but, don't forget any stretches, ok? If you do you will all pull a muscle!" Instructed Lindsey.
" Ok" Charlie said.
So Charlie lead stretching and the stretching went like this:
1. Pike
2. Straddle
3. Middle split
4. Wrists
5. Shoulders
6. Right leg split
7. Left leg split
And finally
8. Baby Bridges and Bridges!
Well that's the stretching it was painful but we got through it!

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