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"Where the hell am I?"

Tengen's eyes darted around the room he was in. The other Hashira were asleep on the floor, Tengen being the first one to wake up. He noticed they were in a small room, with a hole in the wall that was boarded up. Tengen lightly kicked the others.

"Come on.. wake up..!"

"Mmh.. five more minutes..", Mitsuri said, rolling to her side, until she felt the cold, hard floor, as her eyes opened up more.

"KYAHH! WHERE ARE WE?!", Mitsuri said in a panic.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out too!", Tengen replied. "If only the others would wake up already.."

Suddenly, Rengoku burst from the ground, awake. "Good morning!", he beamed, before taking a good look around himself. "Huh, this is new.."

"You don't say.", Tengen replied, before the calmness was suddenly interrupted by a loud shriek.

"OBANAI-KUN!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP-", Mitsuri exclaimed, shaking Obanai's body violently until his eyes began to stir.

"Mmph.. what's happening..?", Obanai sleepily muttered. "WE'RE TRAPPED.. SOMEWHERE!", Mitsuri exclaimed. Obanai looked at his surroundings, and then at Tengen and Rengoku. "..Yeah, seems like it.", he replied calmly.

Soon after, Giyu, Shinobu, Gyomei, Sanemi, and Muichiro stirred awake as time passed, each of them being as confused as the next. "Alright, we have everyone here?", Tengen asked. When he was finished with his quick role call, he faced the boards. "Right, let's do this."

With a quick slice, the boards were cut in half as Tengen progressed forward, the others following in a straight line. The narrow hallways were dark and had some twists and turns, but they finally reached another room; a gun being present on top of a pedestal.

"A.. pistol?", Sanemi questioned, skeptical of it just laying there. "You think it's safe to touch?"

"Let's find out!", Rengoku said, walking further into the room. He put one of his hands on his sword handle, just in case. His body was positioned to instantly spring backward in case his surroundings were laced with traps or such. When he finally picked it up, lights were turned on inside the room, eliminating the darkness surrounding them.

There was what appeared to be a door in front of them, with two statues holding a ball to the side of it. Suddenly, an "X" appeared on the door, and three entities seemingly spawned in front of it.

"Demons!", Tengen exclaimed, grabbing his blades as the three "demons" ran at him. With a frenzying blur, all three were decapitated, their bodies falling onto the ground.

"Huh.. that was.. weirdly easy.", Tengen said, looking at the bodies of the Filth. Several noises could be heard behind him, and upon turning around, there were eight more of these bastards.

"Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance."

Giyu's body moved swiftly, his sword decapitating five Filths at once. Another one came at him from behind, and he kicked its leg, causing it to fall. He then plunged his sword directly into the Husk's chest, effectively causing its life to cease.

"Nicely done, Giyu-kun!", Shinobu smiled, stabbing a Filth with her blade and injecting poison into it, slowly causing its death.

"Don't mention it.", Giyu replied coldly. A shifting noise could be heard behind him, and once he turned around, a Filth was directly in front of him; poised to attack. It was far too close for Giyu to react, and it seemed he was about to be struck, when suddenly a bullet went through the husk's head, effectively killing it instantly as its body fell limp. Tengen blew on the revolver's end.

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