chapter 9

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Sunaina pov

The wedding was good and Taehyung again made me wear the ring now again we are heading back to Korea.

When we reached taehyung in emergency had to left for the office from the airport itself so i was left alone cause my kids will be coming with mom and dad.

I sat in the car and I looked through the route from which we are going it's not where the mansion is located.

I frowned and asked driver about the direction but he didn't replied i panicked a little and said him to stop the car but he didn't i started to call taehyung but his phone was going busy i again shouted at driver to stop the car but suddenly turned around revealing his face the the man who came to home and stabbed me.

Tears formed in my eyes but i blinked them away.

: stop the fucking car i said.

He just smirked and stopped the car as soon as the car stopped i quickly got out hitting his head with my powerful phone i started running dialling taehyung number.

:pick up pick up pick the fucking damn phone taehyung.

I looked around to see only deep woods.

I looked back and that man was coming towards me so i ran further in the woods soon the signal cut off.

Oh fuck.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and putted a cloth on my mouth i struggled but soon everything went black.

I opened my eyes and closed it again due to sudden light.

I slowly opened it again i looked around and saw myself tied to a chair i tried to shout but mouth was tied with a cloth.

I started to struggle trying my best to untie my hands and legs soon the big door infront of me got open.

I looked up and stopped struggling he looks similar so similar.

He smirked and came forward revealing his face more clearly.

Tears gathered in my eyes he is taehyung cousin brother Josh.

I again started to struggle but he held me by my shoulder pressing it hard.

I hissed in pain.

And looked at him.

Josh:sunaina you know why you are here.

I just stared at him.

Josh:I'm your beloved sister boyfriend she loved me and i hated taehyung i used your sister against him she loved to have others dick inside her we made a successful plan but it all got ruined when your fucking sister decided we shouldn't do this with taehyung she said she will say everything to taehyung and then i killed her with that truck and now you came in between you became his weakness more than Naina so i decided to kill you and make him suffer all his life you know that bastard killed my brother who tried to do smuggling cause taehyung didn't like doing smuggling and selling girls fucking doomed mafia.

I widened my eyes i was already in tears.

He removed ths cloth from my mouth.

:ple.. please have some mercy im carrying a child please...did you thought i will beg you to leave me fucking no if you want to kill me then go ahead and kill me.

I chuckled darkly even though im scared as hell.

Josh:you know this pretty mouth of yours is really bad at saving you bitch.

He made me look at him forcefully by grabbing handful of hair.

I hissed in pain but smirk.

: I'm not fucking scared of a coward who kidnaps ladies of Don cause they can't kill the mafia King itself.

He gritted his teeth.

and was about to slap me a gun shot could be hear and joshy joshy groaned in pain my eyes landed on his wounded hand.

And i looked towards the door to find taehyung standing there soon he came and shot Josh to death and with a scream i passed out.
Taehyung pov.

I continuously got calls from sunaina side i quickly called her back once i excused myself from the meeting but her phone was off.

I opened the tracker and i got panicked seeing her location of woods.

I quickly informed my guards and they told me Josh was behind this all.
Present time.

I picked up sunaina and ran towards my car and drove off to our house.
Ok bye guys that's it for today hope you all liked it meet you soon bye take care of yourself and your family luv ya 😚

Ik this parts are short but I'm trying my best to update

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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