|+. What is a therian? .+|

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A therian is someone who identifies as a non-human animal on a non-physical level, usually spiritually or psychologically. This includes but is DEFINITELY not limited to: Cats, Dogs, Wolves, Foxes, Fishes, Butterflies, etc.

NO! Therianthropy is not like Christianity. This is NOT a belief, or a monotheistic religion in any way. This is how we developed/were born. Therianthropy is not a choice in any way. Religion is.

NO! We aren't zoophiles. Zoophilia is the sexual attraction to animals. We do identify as animals, but doesn't mean we will try to mate with actual ones.

and NO! We. aren't. FURRIES! This is also a big mix up. Furries dress up in fursuits or animal costumes (some of them.) This is a hobby, and this is a choice. Therians don't pick and choose their theriotypes or if they even want to be one.

Hope this section cleared up some stuff! <3

Next up: Finding if your a therian

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