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Kiki's pov:

Eeek im so excited! Im one night away from going to school a new school! its 7pm and i have to sleep later then when i wake up boom a new school!

The good thing with a new school is that no one knows you and thats perfect! I can show them what i want them to know about me and that way i wont look dumb!

But that's the point i wont be myself if i do that...

That's it I will try to be myself as best as i can without being dumb.

But what if they dont like me? I turn my head and look at the pictures hung up on my wall.

They are pictures of my old school... My old friends... I miss them... I wish i could go back... A tear runs down my face as i look at the ground.

Suddenly i hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" i say still a bit sad

My mom come in and looks at me then she looks at the pictures.

"Come on kiki you cant be sad now! Tomorrow is your first day in a new school! you wont succeed anything if you keep thinking about them kiki... You have to let go... You cant be making a depression everytime you look at those pictures... Try to move on alright?" My mom says with a soft voice kissing my forehead.

"Fine mom i will try my best to move on i promise" i say and smile

"That's my girl now go get yourself ready and go to bed"

"Alright mom" she gets out of my room i let out a sigh and get up

I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror then start brushing my teeth.

As i finish i go back to my bedroom and change into my unicorn pink pajamas then head to bed

I lay down in my bed and look at the ceiling above me then drift off to sleep


Im standing on a wooden floor in a classroom 'that doesnt look like my room...' i say to myself then look around

In front of me was a boy and a girl and beside me was a girl. The boy started yelling at me for no reason so i started yelling back

"What are you talking about?"

"You are dumb and no one loves you!"

My heart broke when i heard those words 'what did i do?' i think to myself again

I look at the wooden ground with shadow on my face

Suddenly i look around again im in a big white room

That couldnt be real could it is it a vision or is it gonna happen in the future?

Suddenly i snap out of my thoughts as i see a black silhouette in the distance i look at it and start running towards it i couldnt catch it i stopped in my tracks to catch my breath

"You are not beleiving" i hear a voice say, it was soft

"What do you mean?" I ask with no hesitation

"To succeed something you have to beleive or you are never going to catch me"

As the silhouette turned to look at me i looked at the ground then at my hands and closed my eyes 'i can do this'

I open my eyes and start running faster and faster then before

Then suddenly i bump into a stranger i couldnt really see their face but she was a woman she looked at me

"See i told you"

"Why cant i see your face?"

"Sorry little one but im not ready to show my face yet"

"Then its okay take your time do you know if the thing that happened before i got in the white room is real? Is it my new school?"

"Well i cant really help you with that because im not allowed to tell you but in school you'll have to make choices and im telling it wont be like your last school"

"Alright and thanks for getting me out of there by the way"

"You're welcome you dont deserve to be treated the way they treat you and you looked heart broken so i thought i could help"

"Thanks again"


Suddenly i sit up in my bed, it was a dream... Who was this woman? Is she someone important? Will i see her again?

As i ask myself those questionss i drift off to sleep again

'who was she?'

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