time to escape from New Yoke

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"Terminate." Rusty said, She prepared a flying fist and launches it in an attempt to attack Sonic. However, the servos whired and the fist stalls just as it was about to hit Sonic's head. While Rusty Rose and Y shaked , behind her was Tails Nine typing on the keypad. The screen shows Rusty's Rose and Y's status, in which they all turn green. Sonic wiggled lose from Rusty's grip. Y stayed still allowing me to run over to Sonic. I gave him a hug, oil coming out. Sonic hugged me back with a smile on his face.

"Now paired." a computer announced, Nine picked up his scanner and configured it. Rebel Rouge came in and took out a robot behind him and he aimed his scanner. The light on Rusty Rose's eye and Y's X turning yellow.

"New admin privileges, colon, backslash, backslash, affirmative, now paired." Y and Rusty said in unison.

"Amy, are you... you?" Sonic asked hopeful. I looked towards Y.

'So that's what I'm like?' I thought, growing angrier by the second. I shook my head trying to shake away the bad thoughts.

"No, she's still a Chaos Council tool of destruction." Nine corrected, a battle involving Rebel Rouge was going on behind him. "Lucky for you, I'm in control of the robots now. You're welcome. Attack!" He ordered, Rusty and Y prepared for combat. A swarm of Eggforcers stream in past the door. Rusty double-armed one robot, somersaulted and landed a handstand in between the rest of them. She then stretched her legs out wide and twirled them around like a propeller, knocking out the other robots. Y flew up and cut off Eggforcers heads. Letting them roll towards Sonic and I. Soon Rusty Rose pushed down a rising platform full of Eggforcers, landing with a crash. We all finished fighting but the laser continued to slice through the room.

"Whoa...!" Sonic said he saw it and ducked in the nick of time. More Eggforcers came into the door but were immediately hit by the laser.

"Rusty Rose, close that door. Y, destroy those cameras." Nine barked, Rusty clanged another group of Eggforcers and somersaulted her way to the door. With all her might, she closed the large door. Y flew up and one by one stabbed through each camera. Renegade Knucks appeared.

"Uh... they're with us now?" Knucks asked, not trusting the two robots.

"Duh!" Nine whined, annoyed. Rusty Rose punched and broke a code system by the side of the door. Sonic appeared, grabbing Renegade Knucks, Rebel Rouge, Rusty Rose, Nine, and I together in a group hug.

"We did it! Bring it in, fam!" Sonic exclaimed everyone complained at him and broke free.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, get off!" Knucks snapped, making Sonic's smile disappear.

"Huh. Oh, yeah, the whole "Eggman messed up the universe thing." Okay." Sonic started, the laser came towards him and the rest of the team; we ducked to dodge it. "Fine. Introductions." He refreshed, making me snarl at Y. "Hello, I'm Sonic, the high-speed hedgehog hero who's always saving the day. And this wily little fox is the crusty but benign Tails..." Sonic introduced, pulling Nine to him.

"Nine! It's Nine. The emphasis is on the Nine." Nine growled at the fox.

"And these two slightly thuggish party crashers consist of the alluring and kick-butt international bat of mystery, Rouge..." Sonic continued, the laser came towards him along with Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks; They dodged. I walked over to them shutting my wings in.

"It's Rebel." Rebel corrected Sonic's introduction.

"And Knuckles." Sonic added, looking at the echidna.

"It's Knucks. And will someone please stop this laser?" Knucks asked, annoyed at the laser.

"And Amy is..." Sonic started, almost sad at the version of Amy.

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