Harry swallowed hard as he fought the urge to look at Draco. He'd told Draco a bit about his life with the Dursleys, so he didn't necessarily mind him finding out about what he'd told Snape, but he didn't know how to get over the awkwardness of it. He gave a small nod but didn't say anything else.

"The thing is, though, if Draco has an opportunity to have that happen for him, do we not at least owe him the chance to find out?" Before Harry could even open his mouth to voice the protest on the tip of his tongue, Snape went on, "I'm not saying that this is the right thing. In fact, before I let Draco step one foot out of that door, I'm going to be speaking with Narcissa, and I'm going to get him a new portkey bracelet." He paused to settle a look on Draco and added, "One that can't be taken off, if need be. And only then will we make any firm decisions."

Draco nodded. "Only she said that she would be here-"

"I know," Snape interrupted. "Which is why I'm going right now to speak with her. Can I trust you both to behave while I'm gone?"

"We're not in trouble for the fight?" Draco asked.

Snape shook his head. "You should be. I seem to recall saying last time that if I caught you fighting again you would both be grounded for a week and banned from Quidditch. However, in light of the circumstances, I'm prepared to grant some leniency." He pointed his finger at both of them in turn. "However, this is the only time that I'll do such a thing. One more fight, no matter who starts it, and neither of you will see the outside of your rooms for a month. Understood?"

Both Harry and Draco exchanged triumphant glances before nodding quickly. "Yes, sir," they said in unison.

"Alright," Snape said before moving past them to head for the parlor, "then I will be back soon. Behave."


The day passed slowly after Snape left, with both boys retreating to the privacy of their bedrooms. Harry spent his time catching up on the last of his summer assignments and writing a letter to Sirius. He hadn't said much other than letting Harry know that he had continued his traveling and was now visiting the Bahamas. He sent him a picture of a palm tree with the sun setting in the background. Harry had taped it to the wall above his desk where he now sat.

Snape came home after a while and Harry heard as he went into Draco's bedroom and shut the door. Harry desperately wanted to know what he'd found out after talking to Narcissa, but after the fiasco that had come from listening to Snape and Remus's conversation before, he wasn't keen on getting caught eavesdropping again. He had somehow managed to get out of that one without punishment, but he didn't think he would be as lucky if he tried it today.

Besides, whatever it was, he was sure to find out on his own later. Either Draco would stay with them, or he wouldn't.

Harry had thought all morning about what Snape had said, and he knew that he was right. If Draco had the opportunity to have a life with his mother, free from Lucius, who was he to stand in the way of that. But Harry couldn't shake the feeling that this was still a bad idea.

And not for nothing, but Harry and Draco were against all odds, becoming friends. A year ago, he never would have believed it to be possible, but here they were, and he didn't want to see anything bad happen to him.

Harry didn't hear when Snape left Draco's bedroom, but a moment later there came a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said, keeping his eyes down on the parchment in front of him.

His door opened and Snape stepped inside. "What are you working on?" Snape asked as he moved toward Harry and let his hand rest on the back of his chair.

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