Lumine admitted that it would be in fact quite awful predicament and promised to recover from her cold as soon as possible.

"I'm going to the kitchen" Scarmouche announced, raising from the ground. "Want some tea?"

"Sure" Lumine graciously agreed. "And heat up some of the soup Navia and Clorinde brought" she added, recalling the care package that their friends dropped off earlier on their way to Nahida's party.

"I hope you lose that annoying-ass voice of yours" Scaramouche snapped at her, annoyed that the help he had offered, was actually being used.

Lumine unfortunately cared little for the inconvenience she had caused and gleefully coughed and blew her nose into a recently reclaimed tissue as her pissed off companion left the room and began causing a racket in the kitchen, a whole twenty meters and a wall away from her.

But this peaceful state didn't last long.

Lumine's phone came to life suddenly and the screen lit up, displaying a familiar name, which harbingered nothing but more work.

"Good morning, Mz." The voice of her assistance sound through the line. "How are you doing?"

"I've been better." Lumine coughed dramatically.

"Yes, you have." In the usual circumstance she would be pleased to have her assistance call her and make her sassy remarks but with the migraine and Scaramouche out in the wild, Lumine would much rather just eat chicken legs in jelly and wash it down with vodka. "Are you sure you'll be fine to attend the shoot tomorrow? Should I reschedule?"

"Don't be ridiculous." The model sneezed.

"Bless you."

Something dropped on the ground in the kitchen and Scaramouche began throwing German curses.

"You're not calling to check up on me, are you?" Lumine sighed.

"Obviously not" the assistant admitted. "I just wanted to inform you that I'm going to get a raise."

The blonde was dumbfounded.

"Excuse me?" she asked, trying to focus and ignore the screams from behind the wall.

"I just received documents from the 'RUSH HOUR' and I gave them a call to confirm everything" the woman began explaining. "The situation is as follows: since the other model was fired from the project and you have assumed her role, you are going to receive the salary, which was meant for her. That is thrice as much as you were initially supposed to earn."

Lumine considered.

"Nice, you're sure getting bonus" she said. "But I can't begin to see why should you receive a permanent raise."

"You also receive the benefits that were meant for the other model, alongside the ones that were promised to you initially" the assistant continued, unbothered. "Most important one of them being the shares you currently hold in the company" she explained. "As of now, you possess enough to be a member of the board."

Scaramouche sneaked into the room with a piece of paper in front of him.

'I burnt the soup' – it read.

Lumine shrugged and pointed at her phone.

"And that means that you're gonna have much more to manage, so I'll have more work, thus I'm getting a raise!" the assistant finished up joyfully.

Scaramouche sat on the floor next to her and pulled out a small bottle from under his blouse and clearly intended to drink it whole but the expression on his friend's face puzzled him enough to distract him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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