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as the sun painted the hills with a rosy glow, the gang, after a restless and tearful night, resumed their journey along the train tracks. they walked through the serene landscape, surrounded by trees that stood as silent witnesses to their quest.

the group shared a peculiar slimy, purple breakfast.

vern, with a mouth stained in hues of purple, wasn't exactly keen of the breakfast choice.

"geez, gordie. why couldn't you guys get some breakfast stuff like twinkies and root beer?" questioned vern.

"sorry, vern. i guess some more experienced shoppers could have gotten more for your seven cents," replied gordie with a hint of humor.

persevering, the five pressed forward to the royal river.

after what felt like an endless trek under the scorching sun, chris, sensing a significant moment, stopped the group and directed their attention to the sight before them--the royal river. as they scanned the rocky hills lining the water with a canvas of clouds above, a shared realization dawned on the five.

"gentlemen.." chris began, "and lady, the royal river."

they absorbed the beauty, taking a moment to appreciate the scenic landscape.

teddy noted, "god, the tracks go way out of the way."

suggesting a shortcut, teddy proposed crossing the adjacent field, ensuring a faster arrival. on the other hand, vern was itching to stay on the train tracks. chris, seeking input, turned to caroline for her opinion.


"i say we cross through the field," said caroline.


"yeah," gordie affirmed.

"let's go!" chris declared, initiating a spirited run through the field.

as the group dashed through the field, with tall weeds swaying in the wind, tessio initially hesitated, expressing his concerns about the potential dangers lurking within the woods. the others pressed on.

"you don't know what's in those woods!" vern shouted.

they ignored his cautionary words and left him behind. however, he eventually joined the lively pursuit.

the group then had to navigate through a muddy path, with the squishy mud oozing underfoot. this was a challenge that put caroline's white shoes at risk. despite their initial dirtiness, the shoes were now caked with mud, rendering them beyond recovery.

as they trugged through the ankle-deep mud, caroline, determinded to preserve what was left of her cleanliness, clung to gordie's back for support. the struggle against the mud became a shared adventure.

"i hate this shortcut," said vern adamantly.

the gang then faced the challenge of murky water obstructing their path.

"how are we supposed to get across this?" asked vern.

"i guess we'll have to use you as a raft, vern," joked caroline with a playful grin.

chris snapped a stick from a nearby tree and tested the water's depth. to their relief, it wasn't as deep as feared.

chris confidently declared, "we can walk across."

with newfound confidence, the group ventured into the water. the murky water then enveloped them up to their shoulders, leaving them completely soaked.

the moment caroline submerged underwater, she impulsively put her arm up once it touched her burn, since the water caused an immediate stinging sensation.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora