Kapoor mansion....
Akshara: Ansh leave my sister..

Ansh: Are you insane! Can't you see she is not well!

Aarohi: That's because of you!

Akshara: Ansh please. Abhinav is Di doctor. Let him take care of her.

Ansh lay Kyra on the couch. Abhinav check her pulses.
Abhinav: She is fine. No worries. Something trigger her.

Akshara: Ansh stay away from my sister. It's just because of you....

Kyra open her eyes slowly.....
she look around.
Kyra: What happen to me?

Akshara: Nothing di. Everything is alright. Rudra can you please take my sister inside. Please.

Rudra nodded and hold Kyra hand.
Rudra: Come with me.
Kyra nodded.

Ansh look at their intertwined hand and feel angry....
He hold Kyra hand and stop her.
Kyra look at him....

Ansh: Kyra....

Aarohi: Rudra take her..
Rudra take Kyra away... her hand slip away from Ansh hand.

Ansh look at them go inside....
Ansh was about to follow her...

Abhinav: Mr Rathod if you want your wife health to be more worse go behind her!
Ansh look at her...

Akshara: Ansh i won't spare you if you hurt my sister again....

Adhira: Enough Akshara! My son has heard your taunt for years... stop now!

Akshara: but aunty....

Adhira: For you and Aarohi.... Ansh doesn't deserved Kyra right! Fine! Ansh won't come near Kyra again! And my son will move on in his life.... He is done waiting for her for years..... but please do come to him wedding.

Neil and Ansh look at their mother shockingly...
Adhira: Let's go!

Ashi look at Neil.... He didn't look at her.

The Rathod family left....

Akshara take a deep breath.
The party was back to normal....
Akshara was feeling herself suffocated...

She went outside...

In the garden.
She look at the sky and close her eyes....
She remember the day she saw Kyra in the hospital.....

Akshara was in the court as she had a case to handle...

Her phone ring.... Seeing Aarohi name she answer it immediately as she know it was important or else Aarohi would never call her when she is working.

She answer the call.
Aarohi: Di please come to city hospital... it's important. Kyra Di....

Akshara: I am coming.
She cut the call and quickly left to the hospital.

City hospital....
Aarohi was working when she heard a lot of accommodation...
She went to look and was shock to Kyra unconscious covered in blood...

Aarohi; Di!!

Doctor: Doctor Aarohi please come down. It's an emergency. Let us handle it.
Aarohi nodded.

They take Kyra in the operation room...

Aarohi call Akshara and inform her

After some hours.
Akshara and Aarohi was praying.... They saw the doctor coming out.

Akshara: Doctor.

Doctor: She is okay. You guys can go and meet her....

Akshara and Aarohi smile. They went inside her ward and smile.
They could see she was confused....

If you were mine💕Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat