Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Krewtown

AN: In my AU, Frosty is alive and they finished Twilight Forest. However, this is Season 2 of Krewtown so no Animal Kingdom, etc.

"Gold, don't forget to gather coal for the kitchen!" Rainbow yelled from the restaurant.

"Yeah, I got it." Gold replied.

She finishes stocking up on supplies for the journey into the mines. Her supply of cooked chicken sat safely in her pouch. Her mining helmet was donned securely on her head. Gold's hands went on her back, feeling the handle of her Iron Sword. She was ready.

She turned to look back at Krewtown before setting out.

It was dark in the mines. Gold's footsteps echoed across the long chambers of stone. Gold continued walking deeper, examining the walls and floor for any coal.

She brought out a torch, casting the area near her in an orange light. Gold smiled when she saw the familiar specks of black and grey on the floor.
Carefully, she took out her pickaxe and began to mine the coal, placing her torch next to her. The sound of the pickaxe hitting the coal echoed across the cave. It took Gold a few moments to mine it before mining the coal next to it.

It took Gold 10 minutes to mine the whole vain of coal. When she was done, she took her torch and looked deeper inside the cave, looking for more coal.

What she didn't expect, however, was for an arrow to suddenly shoot out of nowhere.

She heard the bowstring pluck, but Gold reacted too late. Sharp pain pierced her shoulder and she yelped in shock.

"What on Krewtown shot me?" Gold exclaimed.

It took her a second to process what just happened. She heard the familiar clinking of bones together. A grey figure outlined in the darkness. This was a skeleton.

Gold wasn't the best at fighting. The job of killing monsters go to her siblings, but she was more than enough to handle a skeleton.

Quickly, she took out her sword and rushed towards the skeleton. The skeleton shot another arrow at her but Gold dodged it easily and beheaded the skeleton in one swift motion. The skeleton's body crumbled to the floor, limp.

Gold looted the arrows before proceeding to remove the arrow lodged in her shoulder. She gasped in pain, but quickly covered her wound with a bandage.

She heard a noise that sounded like a nether portal and she turned around immediately. In front of her was another chamber of the cave.

Cautiously, Gold walked towards it and inspected the area. Immediately, she saw what was causing the noise.
It was a glowing, flat circle that seemed like it was rotating. The inside of the circle was blue, swirling around. Gold looked at it, mystified, and that's when she heard a click.

"Don't move, or else."


Chapter 1: Krewtown

On instinct, Gold froze. But she couldn't help but wonder whether that voice was someone she knew. Then, the voice scoffed, and Gold knew who it was.

"Funneh?" Gold asked.

Gold could sense her freeze. "Gold?"

She felt what was pointed to her lower from her head, so Gold turned around. Even in the darkness, she saw the familiar blue hair that flowed freely from her head. Her blue eyes shined like sapphires in the dark. Yet, it was strange. Why was Funneh in the cave?

"Funneh, your supposed to be back at Krewtown, not in the cave!" Gold began to scold Funneh.

"Krewtown? Gold, what are you talking about?" Funneh asked.

Gold blinked then laughed. "Don't play dumb with me. Did you think you could sneak away and go on your own little adventure in the cave without our knowledge, hmm?"

Funneh chuckled, but her voice turned serious, something Gold thought was strange. "Alright, but seriously Gold... Krewtown?  What even is that? And also, aren't you supposed to be out investigating that nearby town? I mean, we just landed here and don't know where we are." She said.

Gold raised a brow. "What do you mean? Funneh, are you sick? I could call Lunar to brew you a potion."

"A potion would be nice right now, but we need to find a way back home." Funneh told me.

"Alright, follow me." Gold turned to walk, but Funneh watched. Gold noticed Funneh not following her.

"Funneh? What's wrong?" Gold asked.

"I'm supposed to be guarding the portal, remember?" Funneh said.

"Portal? That thing?" Gold gestured at the glowing circle. "Also, how did you know that's a portal?"

Funneh walked closer to me, and that's when I could see her clearly when the light of the portal shone on her. Funneh wasn't wearing her usual outfit. This time, she was wearing a black outfit, alongside a hat.

"Gold, I think your the one that needs a potion..." Funneh said. "You've been acting strange... From not even remembering how we got here or what your mission even is... Are you sure your Gold and not some sort of imposter shape shifter?"

Gold felt a bit stung. "Seriously, Funneh? What's gotten into you? I don't understan-"

Then, a shot echoed throughout the cave. Gold fell to the floor with a thud, her eyes closed, limp.

Funneh looked at her in shock, then looked up. Lunar, in the same outfit as Funneh was, was holding a gun.

"Lunar! What are you doing?" Funneh shouted.

"What? She was threatening you!" Lunar replied back.

"That was Gold you shot!" Funneh told her.

Lunar froze, then looked at the body on the ground to confirm. Then, she gasped.

"Oh my god." Lunar rushed over to her body. She put her fingers on Gold's neck and felt a pulse.

"She's alive. We need to get her to Rainbow and heal her." Lunar said. Funneh nodded.

Lunar picked Gold up and the two began to run to their campsite.

Sorry my writing might be confusing at times (Just noticed trying to read it in POV of a reader lol) but I promise after chapter 3 it will get better!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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