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february 5th, 2023

taraji's pov

grady memorial hospital

the time was 7:30 a.m and here i am standing in this elevator anxiously awaiting to start my new journey this facility. the elevator dung, signaling that my ride had come to an end.

the double doors opened and the wall read " 3rd floor." which was the progressive care units or pcu for short.

as soon as i got off my heart dropped to my feet. my nerves rose quicker than a damn wild fire on dry land.

my clogs clicked and clacked against the blue & white scattered tile floor, obnoxiously might I add.

i have no idea why i'm so nervous, i've literally been in this field for years. i can do this work in my sleep to be completely honest.

i think it's the fact that i'm not completely sure how everyone will adjust to a new-comer, even though i probably could run circles around most of them five times over.

once i got word that grady had openings for new registered nurses, i immediately applied for the position and moved all the way from new york where i'd been residing for the past 11 years.

as i walked the halls of the third floor, i noticed the front desk and made my way over toward it. i was instructed via email to find a dr. barrino because they'd be the person who i would be shadowing until i get comfortable on my own.

that's completely new, because i was thrown to the sharks back in new york. i think i'm gonna like it here.

" hello, could you please point me in the direction of dr.barrino?" i asked the older woman who sat behind the desk. she wore bright pink scrubs which suited her dark melanated skin very well.

she looked up from her computer screen and smiled at me. " ah yes, hello sweetie, you must be dr. henson, it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm ms. loretta but everyone calls me mama lo around here"

i took a mental note of her name and nodded my head to confirm that i was listening to her. " looks like dr.barrino is in her office sweetheart. straight down the three-hundred hall, all the way at the end on the left. you won't miss it. good luck on your first day and welcome to the team baby."

i thanked her and told her to have a good day then began my journey down the hall in the direction i was sent.

soon i came face to face with the door my heart rate picked back up. i blew a slight breathe and rocked back and forth on my feet to calm myself.

" this is not the time for a panic attack tj" I whispered to myself before knocking on the door.

i waited about ten seconds before the door swung open, revealing the one person that's been invading my mind constantly.

her gleaming smile that was decorated in teeth gems caused my stomach to do backflips. almost suddenly all of my anxiousness went away.

" taraji? what are the odds that your fine ass would be my new shadow." she said as she moved  aside and let me inside of her office.

" that's so unprofessional monique." i replied, looking around her space. i heard her chuckle and felt her presence behind me.

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