"Dinna tell me ye 'canna say', Albus! All day after the Potters were killed I sat on a wall watching that family, telling ye then they were the worst sort, and still ye left that puir bairn wi' those Muggles! At least tell me ye've gone t' look in on th' lad since."

"Harry Potter is safer with his relatives, Minerva. I've explained this before."

"Aye, ye've said that, bu' d'ye actually know it for a fact? 'ave ye seen the lad recently?"

"I have monitoring charms on the street to tell me if anyone magical comes near the house. Harry is fine, Minerva."

"Aye, monitoring charms will tell ye if someone magical is there Albus, bu' what aboot inside tha' 'ouse? How d'ye know if those people are treating him well?"

"He is their family Minerva. Family will always look after family."

"Dinna tell me tha' family always looks after family, Albus, no' when ye saw for yourself th' way Severus always asked t'be allowed to go home wi' Lily Evans at th' end of the year, no' to mention th' way Sirius Black ran away from his family to go live wi' James Potter an' his family!"

"Regardless, Minerva, Harry Potter must stay with his relatives. He is highly protected there."

With a smothered scream of frustration, Minerva cancelled the silencing charm, stood from the table, and stalked from the Great Hall. The few Professors who understood Gaelic widened their eyes; impressed at the invective they could hear her saying as she left.

"I'm not sure, Headmaster," drawled Severus Snape, from the other end of the table, "but I believe at least a few of Minerva's suggestions for you are anatomically impossible, judging by what she said leaving the Great Hall. What has happened to arouse her Scots temper this time?"

"Merely a difference of opinion, Severus; nothing that can't be resolved once Minerva calms down."


Brian Greengrass was expecting the message he received that morning, truth be told. Once it hit the paper that someone thought to be dead was found still among the living, it was only a matter of time before the public began reacting. And they were asking all the right questions thanks to the article, with some even asking if Sirius could also be innocent of helping Voldemort kill the Potters. He gathered his papers into his satchel and left word where he was going with his assistant.

A short while later, he was again led into the visitor's room at Azkaban. It was the first time he'd seen Sirius Black look even remotely hopeful since the initial meeting. After the privacy spells had been cast, Brian looked at his client. He needed to prepare Sirius for his trial at the end of the week, which might not be easy.

"How are Grandfather and Harry?" Sirius asked as soon as Brian sat down.

"As far as I'm aware, both are doing well, Mr. Black. Please remember to not mention either of them until your trial. If the wrong people caught wind of where your godson is, it would create problems for Lord Black."

Nodding in understanding, Sirius took a deep breath to calm down. Taking various papers from his satchel, Brian again focused on his client.

"I'm going to ask that they dose you with Veritaserum at the trial; do you have any objections to that?"

"None. If they have me dosed, then no one can claim later that I lied while testifying."

"As you're currently in Azkaban, protocol states that you'll be in the prisoner chair during the trial. As soon as you arrive in the cage, the chains on the chair will activate. Any issues with that at all?"

"Does the cage itself have to be there? Bars of any kind right now are something that I can barely tolerate."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but it does have to be there. You know the Wizengamot procedure for this; all prisoners are held in the cage during trial to prevent escape should something happen."

"Fine. If it means getting out of here, I'll do it."

"Thank you. Your trial should be in just a day or two. I hope you're ready."

"If I'm not ready right now, I will be by then. Are my parents still alive? I shudder to think what Walburga has said about all this. 'Disgrace to my father's Noble House' would be the least of what she'd say."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but your parents have passed on. Were you concerned about where you would live after being released?"

"Gods, as if I'd want to stay in that house with them. Even if they're gone, if the house elf is still around it might not be a good idea. Walburga's elf Kreacher has always hated me; I don't know if he would obey me or spit in my eye, to be honest about it."

"Perhaps I can find out if Lord Black has an idea for a place for you to live after the trial. I'm supposed to see him this afternoon to give him the update about your case. Some memories shouldn't be revisited, Mr. Black, and it's well known you left your parents' house to live with the Potter family during your school years. I don't even wish to imagine what could have driven you to that."

Standing, Brian took down the privacy charm, and then held out his hand to Sirius.

"I'll see you again in just before your trial, so likely in a day or two."

"Thank you Mr. Greengrass, for everything."

"Do try to behave yourself until then Mr. Black. A delay in your trial because one of the guards decided you needed isolated wouldn't make Lord Black very happy."

"I'll behave, I swear it."

One or two more days, he said. It's almost over; finally, it's almost over.

The thought was more than enough to keep Sirius calm as he was led back to his cell.

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