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  "This one isn't going to work either, what are you? a nun?" Isra asked, incredulously.

Apparently, demons had no problem with nakedness, Isra had come into their bedroom, stripped, and announced to Olivia that they were going to do a wardrobe haul.

Olivia watched open-mouthed as servant after servant rolled in bags of clothes.

Not one blinked at Isra's nakedness.

She saw Lucian grimace as he prepared to leave the room. She could tell he really didn't want to be away from her.

Lucian wasn't bothered by Isra's nakedness, he didn't even look. He was leaving because he believed that one of the many human customs was to not look at the nakedness of a female that was not your beloved.

"You are definitely a saint. Only a saint would stay with that-" Isra said, pointing at Lucian who was reluctantly just about to leave the room.

"I dare you to complete it" he said and Isra paused, waiting for him to leave before whispering,

"-that dickhead",

Olivia had to giggle

Her giggling ended when Lucian's head popped back into the room to glare at Isra, then he turned to her.

"I love you," he made sure to make eye contact, so she could see how much he meant it. She blushed crimson.

He always did this when he told her he loved her, made her look into his eyes and see they were not empty words, but having someone else present when he did that, scrambled her brain.

Olivia couldn't talk, she was flaming.

He gave a low, satisfied chuckle before leaving.

"Now, come on! Get up and get those clothes off" Isra said with a little jump and her massive boobs wiggled

"Let's slut this up!"

Oh dear, this was going to be a long day.

Olivia retreated into the comfort of the covers


"Do you think I'm not boyfriend material?" Lucian asked, rolling the beautiful diamond ring in his palm.

It caught the light and he gave a satisfied nod at the beauty he was holding in his hand. His Tara deserved nothing less

"I mean you're calling yourself her husband already, so I don't see why you're asking for a boyfriend assessment" Galen responded. He was sitting on a rock, mindlessly tossing stones into the water.

"I mean she's my mate, that's equivalent to being my wife, by human customs" Lucian frowned at him, he looked ready to beat him up again.

"You need an human ritual for that. A wedding. You can't just grab her, put her in your castle and call her your wife" Galen said, shaking his head.

"I already grabbed her and put her in my castle, dumbass. And we had the mating ritual, that makes me her husband"

Galen simply rolled his eyes

"You never listen. Now why do you need boyfriend tips again? "

Lucian groaned, aiming a kick at Galen's back

"You're a dick"

"And you're a single husband" Galen retorted

And this time Lucian didn't hold back, he kicked him straight into the water

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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