Chapter 1

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Kate's POV

I was sitting on a park bench with my head phones plugged in listening to Ed Sheeran. I took my sketch book out of my bag and I opened it to a new page. I got out a pencil and I drew all of my emotions that I have been holding in all day. Some sad some happy some depressing some I didn't even knew I felt. When I was done the drawing was beautiful it was a girl laying under the stars with a quote 'not everything lasts' which was true concidering every relationship I have been in ended pretty quick. It doesn't matter though because those relationships meant nothing to me. When I kissed them I didn't feel sparks I felt nothing like I was kissing a wall. I probably just have my hopes up to high but I know I will find the guy that makes me feel like I'm worth it and that when we kiss it's only us two on the world. That it's him keeping me on the world. the guy that treats me the way I deaserve to be treated. That will take care of me when I need him. A guy that is meant for just me.
I have my hopes up too high because that will never happen.
I closed my sketch book and put it in my bag. I clicked my phone on to see what time it was and seeing that it was almost 10 I decided I should head home to where the torture shall begin.
incase you don't know what I mean by 'torture' I get yelled at for everything. My brother makes a mess I get blamed. My dad doesn't mow the lawn I get yelled at. I'm just their guinea pig. I was only born to be a doner child because my sister has cancer and she needed an organ and no one in the family had the same blood type and the hospital couldn't find a doner. So they combined my fathers sperm and my mothers eggs to make a perfect match to my sisters blood type.
By all means I love my sister but I don't want to keep donating my organs so she can keep living I don't want her dead but I don't want to die because my sister needed a new lung. I have a life too.
I started to walk home and it didn't take long because I live across the street from the park. but when I walked into the door I noticed my mom, dad, and brother sitting on the couch looking at me.
"what?" I asked
"Kate, we need to have a serious talk" my moms voice was sweet but she also sounded sad.
"what is it" I was lost I was also worried at what I did.
"we'll, your sister Mady needs a new kidney. so you will be put into surgery next week" my dad spoke.
My eyes grew wide I tried to say something but nothing came out. I was at lost for words. I can't even make my own devotions anymore. I am being forced into giving my sister my kidney so I'm only stuck with one. I finally spoke
"NO! I can't keep doing this. what if I need my kidney what if they give Mady my kidney and then realize that my other one has something wrong with it and I die? you will risk one of your daughters life's just to save the other? I will have to be careful my whole life I won't be able to get percent if I give my kidney away I will have to take so many precautions just because you wanted Mady to stay healthy you don't even care about my health" with that said I stormed off to my room where I fell into a deep sleep.

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