Chapter 2

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A sad sigh left your lips as you laid down on your bed. Those who saw you from afar called you selfish for refusing to accept one of your suitors and finally get married.

However, no one knew how much it hurt your heart not to meet the expectations that your family created for you since you were born, but you knew that if you did everything they wanted, your life would be destroyed.

Why weren't you like the other girls in the village? Life would be so much easier for you and everyone around you if you were.

"Honey, are you awake?"

Hearing your mother's voice, you sat up in bed again.

"I am." You replied.

She approached and sat next to you.

"Tell me, why did you reject this suitor again?" She asked.

You rolled your eyes, every time you rejected a suitor, the two of you always had the same conversation.

"I think I've made it more than clear more times than I can count." You answered.

"It's just that I imagined that the reason you rejected all of your suitors was that they were all young men from our village..."

"It's not." You stated. "Even if you bring me the prince of Russia as a suitor, I wouldn't agree to marry him."

She took a long sigh and got up from her bed. Without saying another word, she left your room. Suddenly, she was startled when her husband walked through the door and wrapped her in a hug.

"Honey, what happened?" She asked, by his reaction already suspecting that something good had happened.

"Our family's honor is saved!" He exclaimed happily.

"Does that mean that young man has reconsidered?" She asked.

"No." Han replied. "Our daughter will marry the dragon who defeated Lord Shen."

Ling was stunned by what her husband said. Being promised to the black and white warrior of prophecy wasn't a good marriage, it was a great marriage.

"But how did you do it?" She asked again.

"Well, I haven't arranged that yet." Han replied with a confident smile. "But I know how to do it."

After Prince Shen ordered the massacre that ended the lives of most of the pandas, the survivors were divided into two villages, if it ever happened again, there would still be more survivors left.

Even so, pandas from both villages visited each other constantly.

Lately, Han was so busy with work that he didn't have time to visit the other village, but he now had a good reason to do so.

Closing his hand into a fist, he knocked hard on the door of the house for anyone inside to hear.

Not long later, the door opened. Words failed him when he saw that it wasn't his friend who answered the door, but he soon smiled.

"You must be Lotus." He said. "Boy, how you've grown."

"Actually, that's my given name, but my name is Po now." The younger panda clarified between laughs. "I don't think I've ever seen you around here, you are...?"

"Han!" Po's father exclaimed, before his friend could say who it was.

Po moved out of the way and watched the two friends hug.

"Long time no see you." Li said with a smile.

"Yeah, I've been kind of busy lately, but I'm back." Han said, equally smiling.

"What about the girls? Didn't they come with you?"

"No, they didn't come because I wanted to talk to you about something serious." He clarified.

"And what would it be about?" Li asked curiously.

Han was about to say, but felt discouraged when he saw that Po was witnessing the conversation.

"Can we talk alone?" He asked.

Li found that request strange, but agreed.

"Son, can you excuse us for a minute, please?"

"Oh, of course, of course, I- I'll go outside. If you need me, I'm outside." Po pretended to agree, going out of the house, but he stayed close, listening to everything they were saying through the wall.

For some reason, he suspected that this conversation was about him.

"So? What would you like to talk to me about?" Li asked.

"Well, first I'd like to know if your son is still single." He said.

"Po? Yes, he's still single." His friend replied. "But why do you want to know that?"

"Because my daughter rejected her last suitor." Han explained.

The expression on Li's face slowly changed as he began to come to the conclusion alone.

"I spoke to the monk and he told me that the only way to restore my family's honor is if my daughter marries the dragon warrior." He continued.

"So you're telling me you want my son to marry your daughter?" Li asked, as if he didn't understand.

"Exactly." Han confirmed.

Secretly listening from the other side of the wall, Po was stunned, not knowing how to react to what he had heard.

"Sorry friend, but this is completely inconceivable." Li said.

"So does that mean my daughter isn't good enough for your son?" Han asked indignantly.

"No, that's not what I meant, she's a wonderful young lady." Li quickly clarified. "The point is that the two are not in love, the two only saw each other once in their lives and I don't think they even remember when it happened."

"It doesn't matter, love comes with time." Han argued.

"Anyway, it's not something you had to deal with with me. If you want, you can talk to Po about it, but I'll let you know that I don't think he'll accept it."

"For the sake of both our villages and the people who live in them, I think it's best for him to agree to marry my daughter."

Li gasped, surprised by the threatening tone in his friend's voice. That didn't even look like the Huang Han he had known since he was a child.

"... What do you mean by that?"

"I'm trying to negotiate as peacefully as possible." He explained. "But if I have to wage war against your village, I will not hesitate. You know I have enough power and influence for that."

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