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"I don't think I can", Sunoo's cheeks were red and they burned. He thought he'd die of embarrassment, and the only thing he could do was refuse the shirt CIELO was offering to change into.

"Please", the older boy said. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable during our mentoring, and I bet a sticky shirt is not the most comfortable fit", he added and then smiled.

He freaking smiled, and Sunoo swore he'd die then and there. That gorgeous smile felt as if he'd been given more lifespan; as if CIELO had been given the instructions to steal Sunoo's heart and he'd decided to do it through those soft pink lips curving in the most beautiful smile.

"I insist?", he handed the shirt once more towards him. Sunoo took it still a bit embarrassed, and looked silently at his mentor. CIELO giggled and turned around so Sunoo could change his shirt.

Dowon was so tall and so buff that his shirt felt oversized on Sunoo's tiny and skinny body. He felt invaded by the older's smell, and he wondered what kind of perfume he wore, because it was addictive and sweet, and it smelled just like Sunoo thought CIELO would smell.

"I'm sorry", Sunoo tapped on the elder's shoulder so he could turn around. "I'm a bit nervous, I'm a fan".

CIELO looked pleased to hear that.

"That's good! Imagine being assigned to work with me and you have never heard any of my work", Dowon stated. "This should be fun, though, so please think of me as a friend. A hyung, if you'd prefer", his smile had Sunoo feeling like pudding, melting under the warmth of white teeth and pink lips.

"Sure... hyung", the word felt so foreign coming from him, but it also felt like a relief. He never expected Dowon to be anything different than now, but a part of him was scared he wouldn't want to be a friend and would only prefer to work and then just... forget that Sunoo existed.

"Okay, so here's my schedule. I bet they already gave it to you, but I wanna go through it together", he sat down at the table in the middle of his studio. Sunoo took a seat next to him. "Are you interested in making RnB music, or perhaps something like soft rock?", he asked.

Sunoo pondered himself.

"I actually have no idea", he smiled bashfully. CIELO giggled and looked at him.

"That's okay. But if the big boss put you under my wing is because he thinks you suit this genre", he then looked at his schedule. "We have three months; so let's set a goal for each end of the month, is that okay?"

"Sure", he still felt a bit nervous around the older.

"What about we work on lyrics and rythms for this first two weeks, and then jump into brainstorming together and possibly start a base for a song? That sound good for a whole month?"

"I think so? I don't know if I would be a good soloist", he admitted. "I rely too much on my members".

"Well, we can work on that, too", Dowon said. "I've heard some demos of your songs that you recorded alone. Your voice is amazing, Kim Sunoo", the praises only made him smile and blush.

"Thanks", he looked away. "I'm not as good as Niki, or Heeseung, though".

"Okay", Dowon held Sunoo by his shoulders, locking eyes. It felt as if it was either a war of silence and meaningful eyes, which Sunoo felt like surrendering to, or that he was being scolded. "First thing we're working on is your self confidence. If you lack that, there's no way you're debuting as a soloist. And we both want that, don't we?".

Sunoo nodded.

"If we get you to debut, I will take you out for dinner before I get my three-month long vacation", he smiled.

"That's a date, then", Sunoo replied. His eyes fluttered with embarrassment and he looked away. "I– I meant like... a friendly going out, hyung".

CIELO only giggled. And Sunoo felt like being swallowed by a black hole seemed like a nice idea.

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