Skiing with the Halsteads

Start from the beginning

"Sorry jay, I've got to go my mom's calling me for dinner."

"K, I'll see you tomorrow,"

My alarm went off, and I jumped out of bed and got ready. I'm so excited for the trip even though I've never skied before. I've always wanted to learn

Jay texted me and said they were out front, and i slipped out the front door, hoping not to wake up my mom and dad

I climbed into the backseat next to Jay, and Will and their dad were sitting in the front. Once we got there, their dad went and signed in before we had to write down all of our measurements and turn them in. Then we just waited, and then we got to pick out what snow suits we wanted while they got our ski sizes out.

Me and Jay got matching black bottoms and I got a purple coat, and he got a blue one. Then we got helmets and hats and all of the other stuff and then loaded it into the car.

"Ok, since we're leaving on Friday after school, let's just leave everything in the trunk." So nothing gets lost, plus it's easier, " her dad said

Everyone nodded, and we sat in a comfortable silence before they dropped me off

Time went by and pretty soon it was thursday and I still hadn't packed my stuff, I've never been on a trip before so I don't really know what to bring so I decided to call Jay and see if he wanted to come over and help me pack, since my mom was at work and my dad was at a bar drinking, so neither one should he home for a while.

"Hailey? What's up? "

"Well, I'm trying to pack, but I have no idea what to pack. Do you want to come over and help me?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll be over in a few minutes,"

"Ok, just text me when you get here, and I'll come let you in."

"Ok, I'll see you soon,"


A few minutes later, my phone pinged, and it was a text from Jay

"I'm almost to your house,"

Shit I just realized I hadn't checked my face for bruises, and I was wearing a tank top

I rushed I the bathroom and covered the bruises on my cheek and my neck and put on a hoodie, and then I ran downstairs to let him in. "Hey,"

"Hey, alright, do you have a suitcase or duffelbag or a backpack for your stuff?" he asked

"Yeah I have one in my room" then we ran up the stairs and I pulled my duffel bag down from my closet shelf and of course as I pulled it down it hit my collarbone which my dad had at least fractured possibly broke a few months ago so it was still sore, and I tried not to wince but was unsuccessful

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I just hit my shoulder with this,"

"You sure?"


"Ok, what have you got packed?"

"Um, pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, phone charger, and socks, I didn't know how many outfits to bring."

"You're gonna wear one, so pack 3 or 4 outfits and definitely a couple sweatshirts, oh my mom just texted me, she said to bring a dress so that if we go somewhere nice for dinner"

I pulled out some 2 pairs of leggings and a pair of jeans, and then some sweatpants, and grabbed matching long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts

"Now a dress," I said outloud, going over to my closet

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