"Wow." was all I could say, It was stupid but he lived through four centuries. Through pain and suffering along.

"I was born in 1300 and kidnapped.. saved in 1316.. turned in 1400. In between 1316 and 1700 I lived a pretty lonely life, well after my father was killed.. Then I came across Dominic in 1943. We were war, best friends. Both of us living the same. Long and lonely life."

"Your life is so long, how could you not go insane being on this planet?"

"I have inner peace with myself." I nodded as he kept driving. "You could live through many wars and centuries. Its an interesting life you'll have." I knew what he meant by that though. If I stayed with them, they'll give me a long, enjoyable life. "I am not going to pressure you or anything Timothy. This is all your decision. You could go on and live a normal life. I will not stop you, but I will admit. Dominic and I, searched everywhere for our missing piece and here you are. So many centuries later. It will not be easy to survive without you but, your happiness means more than anything else." I looked at him and noticed he had stopped the car. I looked around and saw we were back, where my family was. That was a long story he told.

"Thank you for everything. I don't know where I'm going from here but thank you."

"No problem. Just be careful. We will come looking for you in one week. You have one week to think. No pressure." I sighed and got out nonetheless. He was talking about inner peace, I needed to find inner peace in order to make my decision. Just how he did. It will all start with Danny.

My first heartbreak.


I knocked on his door. I'm sure he still lived here. From what I heard of. "Daniel." I looked at him. The once, confident, full of life, energetic individual was broken. He had faded bruises all over his face. To top it all of. He was in a wheelchair. He looked up at me. His eyes tearing up a bit.

"Timothy.. Timmy." he whispered. At this time, all the anger I had for him, vanished. Completely. All I had for him was pity. "Is It really you?" I crouched down to him.

"What- what happened?" I asked him. He sighed and rolled back, inviting me in.

"I never meant to hurt you as bad as I did." Danny confessed. "I never wanted to leave you heartbroken all by yourself.. do you want something to drink?" Danny asked. I slowly nodded.

"Sit down. I'll be right back." I was shocked at his state. What had happened to him? Who did this to him? How did he end up like this? "You're actually here.. why?" he handed me water and sat there waiting for my response.

"I found out about everything.. mom, dad.. Iris... Collin.." he flinched at the mention. "I also discovered that not only are they my mates, I have two other mates." I told him. "I wanted to get some peace before I went back. So I actually planned on giving you a piece of my mind and then make amends but... what happened to you?" he sighed sadly.

"You were the only person I ever loved.. you made me feel something. I was ready to change my ways when we had our first time together.. but.. they threatened me to stay away from you. My family were going through some financial issues and they helped us-"

"Who threatened you?" I asked.

"My true mate... he had rejected our bond but then he decided he didn't want me to see anyone.. used Collin and Iris as well. We weren't anything. Iris and I. Oh goodness no. My feelings for you were so strong.. I didn't feel pain from my mate. That was until you left.." he paused for a second. "I joined the werewolf warrior army. We were at war. My mate.. commander. I had no idea he was there. He made me ride front line. Where the bombs were more sensitive. Every time that I survived he and his pals would torture me, abuse me... in so many ways. I can't believe it was acceptable. Until that wonderful night.. a bomb went off. I lost my legs but I also walked out or rolled out of the army. I was so thankful. Now here I am." he looked down at himself. "Take no pity.. give me a piece of you mind."

"I'm making inner peace with myself and past."

"If it helps.. I threw those bastards in the worst prison ever." he confessed.

"What bastards?" I asked.

"The ones that chased you everyday after school.."

"You knew about that!" I took deep breaths. Inner peace.. Inner peace..

"Yes... I was being threatened. It was either, you die or you suffer. I didn't want you to die." I nodded calmed down a bit. "So what now?"

"We're good, I forgive you. After what you went through.. but you know nothing can happen between us." he smiled sadly.

"I know.. but can we be friends? I miss knowing you." Danny said.

"Sure." I smiled brightly at him.

I would never say it out loud and it may be cruel of me but, Danny got what he deserved. More though, he got more that enough and my heart reaches out for him. I've been abused before. I've been kicked down to the ground, then kicked some more. I wanted nothing more than to make peace with my past. With all the people that had a huge impact on my future. Then maybe I'll discover who I would want to end up with.

Maybe Dominic and Nathaniel.

Maybe Collin and Iris.

Maybe all four of them but I highly doubt that. I feel as though if I don't chose, then all this pain would have been for nothing and worth nothing. That is not going to happened. I just needed more answers. More answers to achieve my goal. I wanted to live a life, for the little life I have left. But who knows, I may have more than I bargain for. Who knows, life is just full of surprises and I needed to except that.Two updates in one day? Woah.. what is going onn? Well anyways, got called off of work, due to the weather.. and so I wrote. Thanks for the votes, followers and comments :-) for the almost 600 followers :)) 

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