Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend MadisonPickering5 because her birthday is tomorrow so happy birthday Maddie !

Jenna, Sarah, Joana Belle, and Jeff raya discovered that tomorrow is their sisters Stacy Jr's birthday, along with Cynthiavigilanna and Janella Tracy. Interestingly, Bernadette winder aka Virgil wife and tintin aka Alan wife and Lady Wanda aka Gordon's wife were getting the party supplies. On the other hand, the boys aka Alan and John and Scott and Gordon and Virgil were on a mission with their dad Jeff.
Meanwhile, in Thunderbird one.
"What are we doing here, John?" Scott asked his brother.
We're supposed to be on a rescue mission." John explained.
"But it's the middle of the night!" Scott replied.
"That doesn't mean we have to stop looking for the gift for your sister, Stacy jr." John said.
"Right." Scott replied.
"Let's hope Dad finds a place to land soon." Scott added.
"He will." John replied.
Back at Tracy island.
"How's it going, Gordon ?" Lady Wanda asked her husband.
"It's going well." Gordon  replied. "I've almost found the gifts."
"Good." Lady Wanda replied.
"I think we're almost ready."Gordon  replied.
"That's good." Lady Wanda said.
"Hey, have you seen alan and Tintin lately?" gordon asked his wife.
"I think they went to the store to pick up some more supplies." Lady Wanda replied.
"Thanks, honey." Gordon  replied.
"Anytime." Lady Wanda said.
"Well, we're almost done." Lady Wanda told him

It's Going well." Gordon  replied. "
I've almost all found the gifts."
"Good." Lady Wanda replied.
"I think we're almost ready."Gordon  replied.
"That's good." Lady Wanda said.
"Hey, have you seen alan and Tintin lately?" gordon asked his wife.
"I think they went to the store to pick up some more supplies." Lady Wanda replied.
"Thanks, honey." Gordon  replied.
"Anytime." Lady Wanda said.
"Well, we're almost done." Lady Wanda told him.
"Good." Gordon said.
"What time does the party start tomorrow?" Lady Wanda asked her husband

it's at ten in the morning." Gordon replied.
"Ok." Lady Wanda replied.
"Do you wanna head back now?" Gordon asked his wife.
"Yes." Lady Wanda said.
"I guess." Gordon sighed.
"Hey, I'll race you." Lady Wanda suggested.
"You're on." Gordon replied.
With that, the two of them ran back towards the house.
Meanwhile,  in the Thunderbirds hang back with Jenna and Sarah and Joana Belle and jeffraya are wrap the gifts  ."How's it going?" Joana Belle asked.

Meanwhile, in Thunderbird two.
"What are we doing here, John?" Scott asked his brother again.
"We're supposed to be on a rescue mission." John reminded him.
"But it's the middle of the night!" Scott replied.
"And the people might be in danger right now!" John replied.
"But there are no signs of danger." Scott said.
"We still need to search for the presents." John replied.
"Fine." Scott sighed.
"What are we supposed to be looking for, anyways?" Scott asked.
"We're looking for a gift for our sisters, Cynthiavigil Anna  and Stacy jr and  Janella Tracy not Jenna and Sarah and Jeff raya and Joana belle birthday because their birthday dec 5  John  replied.

"Let's keep looking." John suggested.
"Ok." Scott replied.
Meanwhile, at the Tracy household.
"Are you sure they're asleep?" Lady Wanda asked.
"Yes." Jenna  replied.
"Alright then." Lady Wanda replied.
"I think they are."Sarah said.
"We'll just have to make sure." Jeff raya  agreed.
"Ok, here's the plan." Lady Wanda began. "I'll keep an eye on them, while the rest of you keep searching for the presents."
"Got it." The others replied.
"We're counting on you." Lady Wanda told her husband.
"I know." Gordon replied.
"Just try not to wake them." Lady Wanda instructed.
"We won't." Gordon assured her.
"Let's get started." Lady Wanda said.
With that, the others got to work.
So Jenna and Jeffraya and Sarah and joanabelle were still working  on the party
Then Virgil and his wife Bernadette came home with Alan and Alan wife tintin .
While the others girls Cynthiavigilanna and janella and Stacy jr were sleeping in their rooms .
over at thunderbirds hanger for the night. The group was busy decorating the house with streamers, balloons, and lights while also preparing snacks and drinks for the guests. Jenna and Jeffraya were in charge of the music and making sure the playlist was perfect for the party. Sarah and Joanabelle were in charge of the food, making sure there was a variety of options for everyone. They had decided on a Mexican themed party, with tacos, nachos, and margaritas being the main dishes.

As they worked, they chatted and laughed, reminiscing about old memories and making plans for the future. Virgil and his wife Bernadette joined in on the fun, helping with the decorations and offering suggestions for the party. Alan and Tintin were busy in the kitchen, preparing the food and making sure everything was cooked to perfection.

Meanwhile, the girls who were sleeping over couldn't contain their excitement for the party. CynthiaVigilanna, Janella, and Stacy Jr were all giggling and talking about their crushes and what they hoped would happen at the party. Thunderbirds hanger  was filled with energy and anticipation for the night ahead.

As the sun began to set, the group finished the final touches on the decorations and the food was ready to be served. The guests started to arrive and the party was in full swing. The music was pumping and everyone was dancing and having a great time. Jenna and Jeffraya's playlist was a hit and everyone was singing along to their favorite songs. Happy birthday to Cynthiavigilanna and Janella and Stacy jr .

The food was a hit as well, with guests going back for seconds and even thirds. Sarah and Joanabelle had outdone themselves with the delicious Mexican dishes. The margaritas were a hit as well, with everyone enjoying the refreshing drink on a warm winter  night.

As the night went on, the group shared stories, played games, and danced the night away. They were all having such a great time that they didn't even notice how late it had gotten. Before they knew it, the sun was rising and it was time for the party to come to an end.

As the guests said their goodbyes and thanked the hosts for such an amazing party, the girls who had slept over were already planning their next get-together. They all agreed that this party was one of the best they had ever been to and they couldn't wait to do it all again.

As Jenna, Jeffraya, Sarah, and Joanabelle cleaned up the house, they couldn't help but feel grateful for their amazing friends and the memories they had just made. They promised each other that they would make this an annual tradition and looked forward to many more parties and sleepovers in the future. It was a night they would never forget and a bond between sisters  that would only grow stronger.
End of chapter 15

My thunderbirds ocs backstory Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora