A new old friend

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Hiccups pov:
It was tense for me staring into the eyes of dagur. It took me a minute to remember that he had no recollection of anything they have done together. I took a deep breath, I'm back in my younger body and Dagur could snap my neck at a moments notice.

Dagur opened his mouth and let out a confused sound before saying "hey hiccup... was that a dragon that just run off? Should I go and hunt it? Did it hurt you?"

I would be lieing if I said I was prepared for the question about toothless but before I could try and cover it up Dagur would then add "why is your hand glowing?"

That comment made my eyes drop to my hand. In my worry I completely forgot about my ability, quickly raising my hand I would place it on his eyes. I could see recognition flash in his eyes as he stared at me and my nervousness came back.

Dague looked... even more crazy "BROTHER!" He shouted and launched himself at me squeezing the life out of my body "Dagur... can't breathe..." I would wince out. And it seemed like he remembered what breathing was as he let go of me

"What happened hiccup... your so much more... tiny and skinnier" Dagur questioned me and so I explained how we were in the past and I gave him his memory's of the future he seemed to be calm about it... "HEATHER! Is she ok! Where is she!" Ok slightly less calmer then I thought

"She's fine Dagur... at least I think... I've only just got here your the first person beside toothless to have there memory's and I have no clue who else to give there memory's to"

Dagur seemed to think about it before saying "maybe... Stoick? He could help change the mind of the Viking's about the dragons earlier and please tell me you're gonna help Heather, please! Please! Please!" He dropped to his knees begging in front of me causing me to chuckle "yes Dagur we will get Heather her memory's as soon as we find her"

"Thank you hiccup!" Dagur would say getting up quickly. "Soooo back to the village were I'm the runt?" I would chuckle and start to walk before stumbling slightly getting caught by Dagur "you ok?" I was questioned. I would blush before I give my answer "just getting used to my leg again..."

We would walk in silence until we enter the village, no one was around except the other teens hanging round the arena laughing with each other, me and Dagur decided to head to the great hall "my dad should be giving his searing for the nest speech"

We would arrive in time to hear the Viking's making up excuses for not going, this confused me they all went last time didn't they? I gave Dagur a confused look as I hear the next line out of my father "who ever stays has to look after hiccup!" I stare mouth open wide as I watch the vikings shout there agreements to looking for the nest.

As I start to blink back tears Dagur places his hand on my shoulder and leads me away "I... how many died looking for the nest because they didn't want to look after me..." Dagur, ever the optimist says "think about it this way! No one to ship is going to Heathers village tomorrow" "yeah nothing except dragon training if the past is still the same" Dagur would chuckle "I'll just tell gobber you were training with me... and surely you not gonna let dragon training stop you from seeing Heather again"

I sigh as I know he's right "cmon you can share my room tonight my dad... well I'm not going to give him a choice" as we walk back into my house my father is already there, and thus begins the one sided argument on how I'm now in dragon training. After some catching up with Dagur over some fish stew we head up to my room and sleep, I give Dagur my bed and I sleep on the floor.

We wake up bright and early the next morning as the Viking's are getting ready to leave. Dagur left to find Gobber and tell him that he's going to train me for a few days, while he's doing that I head to the great hall and grab some food for me and him.

I sit there with the two plates of food waiting for Dagur to show up when I got a gift! The gift of snotlouts very amazing face! Yay me! "Hey useless! Who's the other player of food for? Your imaginary girlfriend?" That set off a circle of laughs between him and the twins. I open my mouth to give some sassy remark when Dagur, who had just arrived, beat me to it "hey even if it's imaginary at least he can get a girlfriend unlike your pathetic ugly ass, and! Hiccup has a girlfriend!" That caused the group to look at me in shock while I give Dagur a glare clearly asking him what he's doing "in fact when you next see hiccup she'll be here to! Now scram brats!" He would shout the last bit at them before sitting down to eat "Dagur do you have any idea what you've done! I don't have a girlfriend!" Dagur reply's after gulping down the food in his mouth "yes you do! Heather! Or well soon to be girlfriend after you find her!" "Dagur... me and Heather were never dating!" This caused Dagur to pause "really? Cos I could see all the feelings were there you have just got to be open about it!" 

After our very awkward breakfast we get into Dagur's ship and head towards the island Heather lives on... this was going to be awkward now... Thanks Dagur.

Another chapter done! Yay! Hope you all enjoy it! Next chapter will feature Heather and hiccup bonding
Yours truly
Da author

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