4. August Slipped Away

Start from the beginning

Max: I guess we do sometimes?

Mike: Yeah when I'm not pissing you off.

The two laughed causing Dustin and Lucas to share a look, they felt slightly awkward and as if they were imposing on something.

Steve and Robin stood close by and had just clocked Max and Mike's entrance.

Robin: Holy shit we are geniuses.

Steve: No way they literally came here together.

Robin: Knowing Max she was probably just planning on going home and if Mike was coming it was only to meet his family.

Steve: We're not half bad at this matchmaking stuff.

A couple of weeks later Robin and Steve found another opportunity to bring the teens closer together.

Robin: Okay these are second hand and used so basically we have to watch all of these tapes and make sure they aren't beat up and actually work properly.

Max: So basically we're getting paid to watch films?

Robin: Yeah basically but it's still an important job.

Mike: Cool I'm not complaining.

Robin: Yeah well your welcome to do it in the back but you can just go home and do it if you'd like, as long as they are all done by the end of the week it's whatever.

Mike: Oh okay cool. Wanna head back to mine?

Max: Yeah sure.

Robin: Great okay, remember to actually check the playback quality !

Mike: We will!

Mike: Do you want to get in my car? I can drive you back here later so you can collect yours?

Max: Yeah sure why not.

Mike: Last time we were in here didn't go too well.

Max: Oh shut up I don't want to relive that.

Mike: That was so bad.

Max: Right?! What even caused that to get so heated.

Mike: I don't even want to remember.

They pulled up at Mike's, Max took the box of tapes from the backseat and they went down to the basement.

Max: Okay so we want to work through in some kind of order, like go by genre? Or should we just pick whatever we feel.

Mike: Why don't we just reach in pick a random tape and whatever it is we have to watch it.

Max: Okay I like that idea.

Mike reached into the box and pulled out Jaws 2.

Mike: Is this shit compared to the original?

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