Barney x Cheese ?!(fluff)

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Imagine!! Diive making a wholesome chapter!? Knowing these two are have one of the best friendship yet having complete opposite MBTI is shocking 😱 barney as INTP and cheese as ESFJ 


Barney was standing at the assembly with her classmates, as Cheese was sick for a few days now. Barney, worried for her baby girlie couldn't think about anything but Cheese. As she saw Ivy and Lia talking waiting for Diive to come since she and Cheese are in the same bus. Maybe, just maybe Cheese got suddenly better and came, as she saw Diive coming by with her goofy ass smile. "Cheese didn't come did she?" Barney asked Diive, as Diive just shook her head. "Nope, not today." Barney just nodded, stood back in place looking straight, sighing as she rolled her eyes from how Map was already beginning her usual dumbass act, singing the Anthem, as usual screaming at the top of her lungs. Barney was surprised how Lia ain't deaf yet. Oh well, she just continued just waiting for this long ass assembly to end.

The day couldn't get any better, as now they had Math, as usual. She sat in her place getting her pencil case, notebook and Math book ready, finishing class as she bullied Salmon and Diive with Ivy as usual, though it wasn't as fun with her closest 'friend'.


The school day finally finished, Barney quickly walked inside her room, getting her clothes and towel ready to shower, as she quickly entered the shower glad she's finally home free from school. After the quick shower and praying. She jumped on her bed, taking her phone, with a huge grin, she saw Cheese online on Snap, she giggled, before watching the million videos Cheese usually sends in the group chat, glad that she's getting better. As these two continued to send each other voice messages, short videos and gossiping about others while they were talking for hours.


I just wanted to make a cute lil wholesome chap since I don't want to get beaten up on the first day this week /hj :3 maybe there will be a chapter two.. confession? rejection? drama like those kdramas?! idfk but yea

by ur cutie patootie author diive >3<

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