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Yoongi's pov

Shit. I overreacted to say the least. But what's gotten into me, I told her some horrible words, I would never hurt her, just that I'm stressed, a lot, Mingyu really worries me, and the thought of my parents makes me angry.
I go to her rooms, knock on the door, several times, I call her. Nothing. Total silence, I open the door, which is locked without a key, fortunately...
Your balcony window is open... Don't... I look outside and I see a pile of sheets tied together... She ran away! It's dangerous out there at night.
I have to pick her up, and I have to apologize for that's all.

I'm going to the barn, as fast as I can, I'm going to get my trusted horse, and I take the only road that leads to the woods... It rained a little while ago, so there's some dirt on the ground, I follow the fresh horse tracks. I follow them and suddenly I hear cries of help, I follow the voice, it's Teyla's.
I find her in the midst of a pack of angry wolves, they're about to attack her, but I intervene, I draw my sword and kill them. She's shaking and crying.

I get closer to her, but she shakes even more, I can grab her hand, caress her and say:
"Excuse me, I really wasn't that guy, you don't deserve these bad words, and then it's a bit of a delicate topic for my parents. You're such a special girl, I'd never hurt you. I'll protect you with my own life, I promise." I see you're calming down and noticing the big bleeding wound on your right arm.
"Teyla, stop, you're bleeding, too," I say.
"It's nothing, Your Majesty. Don't worry, thank you," he says, covering himself with his right hand.
The wound.
"But it's very serious." I say, I take her right arm and study it carefully.
I'll take her and load her on the horse.
"We'll spend the night somewhere..." I say.
"What place?" he asks.
"You'll see," I say, holding it gently to me.
We get to the little house I have in the woods,a very nice cabin, I take refuge here when I go hunting, my p-father built it. I'll take the horse to the little stable and then I'll open the door and take it in. It's pretty cold outside, when it's evening, I'll make her lie down in a bed and light a fire.
"Listen to me, Teyla... We're gonna have to close the wound, it's gonna hurt a lot, but I'm sure you're strong," I say, and she nods, she still has a sad look, I really feel guilty, I'd apologize to others.
a hundred times...
I take the hot iron, heated on the fire, I see it becomes paonazza, she's very scared, but I shake her hand and I say to her, "If we don't, you might die of infection."
"All right," he says in a trembling voice.
Decidedly I place the iron on the wound and it stops from screaming in pain.
He shakes my hand and in no time it's all over.
I wrap my right arm around her with bandages and notice she's calmed down.
"Excuse me too, Your Grace," she says with tears in her eyes.
"You don't have to apologize... You don't know what's behind me. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. And forgive me for that uncomfortable question about sex. I've had a lot of sexual intercourse and it seemed natural to ask, but you're such a delicate creature."
"I understand," I say, looking intently at those two sweet eyes and a beautiful green.
"Well, I-I think I'll do it with you in the future," she says blushing.
Oh, boy. It drives me crazy.
"Sure," I mean, smiling sweetly.
"Well... Will you kill me if I do not give birth to healthy male children in the future?" she asks worried.
How cruel I am!
"No, absolutely not, you see, my father always used to say this to my mother, and at the end of a man I was born only the only son, then he sowed children here and there. But I'm not like my father, fortunately. I also like the girls," I smile reassuring her.
"I'm very tired. Do you want to sleep?" he asks.
"Me too, but there's only this little bed," I say.
"Do you mind if I sleep next to you?" she asks, "Damn, it's irresistible."
"Of course not, I hope I'm not disturbing you," I say enchanted by such beauty and so much splendor.
She falls asleep in a short time and I spend the whole evening looking at her carefully, detailing, section by section, her eyes closed, her skin extremely smooth, her sweet nose, the color of her hair, her ears so cute and then... then his lips, those lips, I would kiss them at infinity the so fleshy at the right point, of a woman who is a woman beautiful rose. I put my thumb on his lips and gently caress them. I caress her face and study in detail; I cut off a piece of her hair to show me more and more of her sweet lines. I'm feeling emotions never felt before, I'm in love with her yes, I can't wait for her to become my wife…. I fall asleep next to her, next to that angelic face, I fall asleep happy and protected by the woman I will marry and love more than anyone else.
Teyla's pov
I open my eyes slowly, so much light enters the room, connect my brain and notice that Yoongi is still asleep next to me, he is so beautiful and perfect, but yesterday he frightened me, but then he apologized and took care of me... I really don't get it. It's natural for me to put my hand on his head and gently caress it. He wakes up, and I'll take my hand back.
He smiles at me saying, "Good morning, did you sleep well?"
"Yes," I answer as you rub your eyes.
"I hope I didn't snore," he says as he gets up.
"No, absolutely not your grace," I say, smiling.
"Please don't talk to me so formally, you can tell me about you," he asks.
"Are you sure?" I answer in my hesitation.
"Of course!" he says.
We talk all morning, going slow on the horse and breathing good and light air.
We get to the palace and it looks like I've known him for a long time... Is something being born?
As we take the horses to the stable, he says to me:
"Today your family and your family will arrive
My eyes shine and from happiness I jump on them and embrace them and our faces are so close... I feel his breath on my warm, red skin from the slight embarrassment.
I'm going to take off and ask embarrassed now:
"So we're getting married soon??"
"Exactly," he replies, "Ah, also today,
Roseanne will make you try on your wedding dress," she says, brushing her horse's hair.
"Did you choose it?" I ask with a smile.
"Oh no, I wouldn't be able to, but I'm sure even a rag makes you look divine," she says, looking at me intensely and I blush like a pepper.
"T-thank you" I mean torturing my hands with shyness.


So sweeties 🥰🥰 I wasn't able to
public this before😔

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