The threat enrages him yet further.His hands clench into fists and he scowls at him with pure fury.

"Or else WHAT?"

"or else you are going to regret the day you even THINK about disrespecting me or Y/n.I won't let you say whatever bullshit that comes to your head and treat us like crap with no repercussions.Is that CLEAR?"

He stares directly back at Kazuha.His eyes widen for several seconds before a sinister smirk spreads across his face,as his wrath is now completely replaced by sinister malice.

"Hmm,very loud and intimidating.But do you really have the balls to back your up your words?Are you really that confident that you can take me head on?Because the way I see it right now,you're all talk and no action.And in that case you're basically just trying to pick a fight with someone way out of your league."

Despite his words,Kazuha's confidence falters for a moment and he hesitates for a few seconds.His anger seems to be faltering now, as if he's now unsure whether he should fight him or not.He stares directly at him as he opens his mouth to speak.He pauses once again and finally speaks.

"That's enough Scara.Stop talking for a moment.You're getting too close to the edge."

"Too close to the edge you say?Please clarify what you mean by that, if you will."

He nods his head and replies in a calm and collected tone of voice.

"Your behaviour has been becoming rather aggressive and irritable as of late, you've been lashing out at everyone for no reason,your temper seems to be extremely short and now you are lashing out at me without any rhyme or reason.So I urge you to keep yourself under control for a little while.Cause you're becoming quite difficult to handle here."

"Oh,look who decided to take a look at their emotional intelligence all of a sudden.Well,that's a surprise.How does it feel having to act all responsible and mature after getting off your ass and putting some real thoughts into what you're saying for once?"

"Listen,Scara.All I want is for you to just tone down your aggression when you're around  of me.You're becoming downright unbearable to be around since you're so goddamn mean and unfriendly all the time now.So if you want to stay friends with me,you need to keep your temper in check."

Kazuha's words seem to strike a nerve and a slight change in mood can be seen in Scara.He raises both eyebrows as he thinks about what Kazuha just said for several seconds.Scara's stern and mean-spirited tone becomes more sympathetic now,as the sharp and cold edge that surrounded him earlier,is now gone.
"I know I've been a lot more....aggressive lately and I apologize for that.I guess I've just been dealing with a lot of stress on my shoulders,and I guess I've just lashed out without really realizing it,I guess."

He sees the sadness that's present in Scara's eyes for several long seconds.His expression shifts slightly as he can't help but feel guilty for being so harsh on him...He wants to apologize,but he remains silent for now.He stares directly at Scara as he responds:

"It's fine,Scara.I understand how hard it can be to carry so much stress and responsibility and how exhausting it can be at times.But you're not alone.I'm here for you too,you know that,right?"

Scara's face flushes a light red and he seems to struggle to find any words to say for several seconds."Um....yeah...I....I know that.It's just not always that easy for me to up and rely on other people.Especially after all the things I've had to deal with by myself."

"It's fine.I get it.It can be hard to trust people after everything that you've been through.But...if you ever need anyone to talk to,or even just vent and let out all the anger and frustration that's been bottled up inside of you...then you have me,okay?"

He pauses for a while and looks away
"I will not hesitate to take you up on that offer.It's not often you meet people who are willing to actually listen and be understanding..."

He smiles brightly as he sees that Scara is actually being genuine with him.Scara truly feels as if he can consider Kazuha someone that he can trust with his worries and problems.

"Hey,I'm always here for you.But in return,I just ask that you take some time to work on yourself,okay?Cause there's nothing worse for someone to carry all this stress on their back,and you being so rude to everyone lately is definitely not good for your mental health."

Y/n: A-hem.

As soon as he hears Y/n speak,his head snaps in her direction as his eyebrows raise.His eyes are full of confusion and he opens his mouth to speak.His tone of voice becomes stern once again

"What? What is it now?"

Y/n: I'm still here,you know??

"Oh,I know.And I'm sorry if...y'know....if I upset you."

Y/n: That's fine...I suppose...

"Now that I've apologized, shall we all hang out together?"

* ˚ ✦To be continued...✦ ˚ *

★ !!﹒⁺˖ [ᴛᴡᴏ ᴀɴᴇᴍᴏꜱ ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴡɪʀᴇ]✦Kazuha x Scaramouche [School Au]+5nemo﹒✦❱❱✦﹒Where stories live. Discover now