She dusted off her hands. "Okay! Let's go!"

(Zachs pov)

Everyone got into the exposed back of the truck.

Brooklyn started taking selfies of herself on the truck.

Dave started humming and hitting the side of the truck, before getting in the passengers seat.the engine started and Roxie sped off. Everyone yelped unexpectedly. Nervously everyone buckled in their seatbelts

"I hope you got my moms note..? I don't do well on windey roads!" Ben said nervously. I just rolled my eyes at him and I sat back against the seat.

Brooklyn annoyingly started recording , again.
"What's good brooklanders?!"
Ugh. That name. I thought to myself, it was a really bad name, I smiled softly to myself.

"It's your girl Brooklynn coming at you from the best place ever! Camp Cretaceous! Like and subscribe to join me as I, unbox Jurassic world!" She shut off the phone camera. "Okay I need you all to say who you are and a little bit about yourself. And, action."

She pointer the camera,

I sigh and I take off my hoodie.

"Uhm my names zach and I'm here because I'm a streamer with a fan base of 32 million subscribers and Jurassic park wanted me to come and 'boost their ratings' as they put it."

She then pointed the camera at Darius. "Oh. Uh.. I beat this super hard dinosaur VR game? Hi I'm Darius by the wa-" he got cut off by Sammy.
"I'm sorry,I just can't believe your Brooklyn, and your Zach Conor! I'm sammy Gutierrez ! Total brooklander and a massive fan of your streams Zach !" She says as she grabs mine and Brooklyn's hands and started shaking them viciously.
"Oh! Also my family supplies all the beef for the park and that's how I got here!

"Great too meet you, sammy!" Brooklynn said enthusiastically.

"Yeah good to meet you" I say aswell.

"Uhm.. I've heard of zach, massive fan by the way!" Darius says. "But what's a brooklander..?"

"Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn explains,

"All 27 million of us!" Sammy says enthusiasticly.

"Yep. That's why her and zach are the only ones who are allowed to keep their cell phones." Yasmine says in a monotone and cold voice. "Their famous!"

"Hold on! Rich, and famous?! Oh, meant to be!" Kenji says as he takes Brooklyn's phone and takes a selfie of all 3 of us.

Ben starts vomiting over the side of the car.

I lean over and I sit down next to him and I rub his back.
"You get carsick?" I ask him softly.

"Yeah,and plane sick, and bus sick, and bike sick-" he says as he throws up again over the side of the jeep.

I rub his back as he throws up. I could relate to him. I used to get car sick all the time. It's not a fun time. I give him my bottle of water. "Here, I haven't drank from it."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Ben gives me a faint smile and he drinks the water.

Suddenly the jeep comes to an abrupt stop. After something ran out from in front of the car. The tires screech and we all scream. The car door opens and Dave and Roxie both step out.

"Um., Dave? What's going on...?" Ben asks as he clutched his stomach. I kept my hand on his back.

"Nothing you need to worry about..." Dave says as he hold up an electric rod. Electricity crackles. "But you should all definitely stay in your seats.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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