" Who? You never told me about him "
Yoongi smiled at her and looked up at the sky " There is a place on the mountain , when he lives . There are other men too there , many of them who lived there since they were new born , haven't even seen a woman . We all pratice matrial arts and meditation in hopes that one day maybe we can also become immortal like him "

" What? He's an immortal? " Haeun frowned as she looked at him .

' When did it suddenly changed into a fantasy world? '

" How can that be possible? No one can be immortal " Haeun said but if she thinks about it , it doesn't seem that wierd because had anyone told her one day she would travel to another world and fight for throne with her two sister while also marrying one man after another , she would have thought they were crazy .

" Well....I also didn't used believe it but the oldest member was 89 when my master took me to the place , and that man was a kid when his father brought him there . Beside having white hair , my master still looks like someone who's in his mid twenties "

Haeun was stunned , it looks like this world isn't that simple . She looked at the smile on Yoongi's face who surely was reminded of his master and his life before , she hesitantly asked him .
" Do you still want to go back? "

Yoongi turned to her and saw the smile which was completely contrast to the frown on her head . Does she know she makes wierd faces? But seeing her like this , where she can't hide her thoughts makes him happy .

" I won't be able to go back anymore "
He said as he walked ahead , Haeun frowned as she walked beside him .
" Why ? " he smirked at her as he looked away " I won't tell you that " Haeun glared at him and huffed .

" Yoongi..." he turned to her and noticed her looked at someone standing a bit far from them " He's been looking at us for a while now..." Yoongi frowned when the man turned and ran away " Can he be a spy ? "

" Let's follow him " They both followed after him as they reached to a small house " He went inside..." Yoongi stopped Haeun and shook his head .

" He clearly saw us following him , it looks like a trap , I'll go first " Haeun frowned at him " When we know it's a trap why go there? " he looked at her and sighed " Because catching them can be useful for us " and he walked away .

Inside the house two men hid as they whispered to each other " Do you think it will work? " the other guy nodded .

" Ofcourse it will work , I saw her following me . With this strong scent she would be out cold on the floor with no strength to fight back "

The two giggled as they everything up
" I heard that third princess is love by the empress of Ilania and is her favorite"

" I know that's why I made this plan , she also loves handsome men . I heard she have many men in her harem , although we were Commanded to bring her back , won't it be amazing if she liked us and brought us back with her? "

When they heard the door opening their eyes widen and they peeked around the corner , Yoongi frowned as soon as he entered the room .

' Something is wrong with this fragrance , is this...chloroform? I need to get out of here '

He turned to leave but was held by someone while a man stood in front of the door as he gave Yoongi a wierd smile .

" Where do you think you're going leaving us alone like this? " Yoongi pushed away the person holding on to him and glared at the man blocking his way " Who are you? " the man smirked as he came closer to Yoongi " Your soulmate " he said as he moved his fingers over Yoongi's arm , he stepped back disgusted as he realised what the guy was doing . The guy again tried to touch him but Yoongi punched him and the both guys stared at him shocked , the guy who was punched glared at him .

Their Empress ( OT7×Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz