You and I

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"Okay class! This is all for today. The homework I've given today should be submitted tomorrow without fail. Thank you class!", Shinobu finishes her lecture and leaves.

"(Huff), finally this chemistry is over..... It's so dynamic. Like you never know the general stuff and there's always an ✨exception✨", Zenitsu practically spits those words.

"Studies are supposed to be tough and you need to be hard working", says Tanjiro by the motive of good will but Zenitsu started yelling at him,

"Hey! You don't need to lecture me okay? I know that...."

"But you'll never do the deed yeah?", Tanjiro says with slight mockery, almost in an innocent way.

"Huh.... You..!! "- Zenitsu was about to start his yapping but before that, Inosuke spoke up.

"Shut up Monitsu! You simply don't know how to take a goddamn challenge. Simple~", interrupts Inosuke.

"Nobody's talking to you you boar-head!"- Zenitsu.

"Hey you yellow sunflower.... "- Inosuke.

In the meantime, Rengoku comes to the class but his steps halt seeing the commotion. "Guys.... Rengoku - sensei is here", Tanjiro says attempting to calm those idiots down.

"I can see that the mood is pleasantly hot in the duo there but for the decorum of the class, I'll be needing to stop that useless feud or you may step out of the class with your heads set ablaze!!", Kyojuro said with his usual loud but cheerful voice.

"Sorry sensei.... ", the duo apologized and finally calmed down.

"Okay so we left at the French Revolution, it's reason of occurance and how it affected the lives of the common French people and the whole family of Louis XVI. So after that........."

As usual, Zenitsu was not interested in the class and took to stare at Kanao and Aoi instead. Inosuke was also not really interested in Social Science but he loves Rengoku so he was listening and Tanjiro, of course took all of his leisurely time admiring his sensei.

(Oh how handsome is he! Though he's strict but again, it adds to the fun!!), he thought in mind. His mind was a mush and his heart was on fire looking at Kyojuro's biceps through his skin - fitting shirt and thinking of the possibility of him being under Kyojuro.

(How Rengoku - sensei will caress my body in a quiet and dark room with gentle breeze and honey - coated moonlight makes the already pleasantly heated situation more hot and how Rengoku - sensei will look etheral with those flame - coloured eyes all set on me. How beautiful he would be looking bathing under the dim moonlight while we ebb away into the dreamlands of our ecstasy.....), is what Tanjiro was day-dreaming about.

It was safest to say that he was completely smitten with Kyojuro.

"Hey Tanjiro!", Zenitsu called him.

"Hmm? ", Tanjiro hummed mindlessly.

"Who do you think has got the biggest boobs in our class?", Zenitsu enquired.

"What the fuck?! ", Tanjiro almost shouted his way out.

"(Laughing) Just kidding, I know you aren't into that kind of stuff ('・ω∩'*)", Zenitsu said while holding his laugh.

"Now don't burst out or else we all are getting detention bakaa.... ", Inosuke chipped in with a warning.

"Yeah.... You are right... ", Tanjiro mumbled and went back to his sweet dreams.

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