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The air was hot and the music was all bass, loud enough that Mei could feel every touch of the strings in her very bones. She leaned back on the couch, crossing one leg over the other.

Alcohol was coursing through her bloodstream with every beat of her heart, traveling through her system and clouding her thoughts. She allowed her eyes to fall shut, enjoying the feeling for a second before they flickered back open, lazily trailing across her surroundings.

Usually, Hong Kong Triads were distinct from crime syndicates in mainland China. The Black Jade, however, was the biggest secret society in the entire country. While some organizations were known as "dark forces", the term generally referring to loosely-organized groups, the Black Jade was one of several "Black Societies".

They were mature criminal organizations, leagues above other low level gangs. The Black Jade controlled not only the local trade and the police but also some of the world's biggest firms, organizations, politicians and markets. They ran everything, from the Opium Empire to elections, the sex-trade, gambling dens and entire cities.

And this night club.

Black walls and mirrors made the space look impossibly grand. Immense. A balcony wrapped around the room, raised above the ground floor. Mei glanced down at it, watching the masses of sweaty bodies dancing, intertwining, grinding against each other in the darkness. The air was hazy and filled with flickers of bright lights. Sweet-smelling.

Their booth; a rounded couch, royal blue, encircled a low table which was brimming with crystal and ice and liquor. Their only source of light save for the spotlights from the level below, was a single strip of dimmed light running along the bottom of the seats. It gave the impression that no one was watching. That no one could see.

The untrained eye might not have noticed the Triad's men in the crowds. But Mei did. They lingered in the shadows, easily overseen. But she knew the others had noticed them as well. They were watching them, although they hid it well.

A server had been the first to expose himself, offering Mei her drink. A martini. Dry. He outstretched his arm in an elegant gesture, the sleeve of his jacket creeping, ever so slightly, up his arm at the movement. A flash of skin, quickly covered as he moved away.

But Mei had seen the clawed paw just above his wrist. She knew that, were she to grab him and force the fabric up his arm, she would have revealed the complete picture of a snarling tiger, its pelt most likely barred with savage geometry the colour of burned wood.

A tiger going downhill, one on each hand, stretching up the length of his arm. It signified that they were hunting. That they were on a mission to kill. The tigers would never be turned uphill. Such imagery would represent defeat instead. A predator returning to its lair.

Usually, only the leaders would get tattoos. It was the custom of many syndicates and families. The Black Jade, however, marked all of their men. A sign of permanent ownership. Even in death.

They had left them alone. Begrudgingly upholding a truce, at least for tonight. At least until the meeting at the High Table.

Sipping her drink, Mei shifted her attention to the men before her, silently watching them enjoying their night out.

Others had joined their group. Girls, some too young to even imagine the danger they had put themselves in. Most sat between the men whilst others had managed to gain their favor, perched atop laps or pressed close by an arm, slung across their shoulder. All wore short dresses, skirts, tops leaving nothing to the imagination. Their uniform was the same as Mei's. Every movement revealed a flash of skin.

Mei fought the smile playing at her lips.

One of the girls leaned into Mingi who sat in his usual spot to Mei's right. She was pretty, her chest pressed tightly against his bicep as she held his arm, whispering something in his ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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