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Mei sighed as she leaned her head against the wall of the jet, feeling the vibrations from the engines beneath the wings against her ear. The low and steady hum was constant, reassuring, although not nearly enough to drown out the conversation of the men around her. Mei had yet to discover anything possessing such power.

She had occupied herself with watching the clouds instead, idly following their movement across the skies. Only when they became few and far between, and occasional rays of sunlight would break their cover, blinding her, did she abandon the momentary distraction. She blinked, pushing the cover over the window before turning to the man beside her.

Mei allowed herself to sink further into her seat, her head leaning against the armrest as she watched Mingi in silence. Her legs were stretched across his lap, and he lazily traced his fingers across the bare skin as he laughed at Yeosang's comment. A chill crept down her spine at the sensation, and she shivered, catching his eyes as he glanced at her. His ears reddened.

He was the son of her father's consigliere, Kyongseok, and had been her personal bodyguard since they were children. More importantly, he had been her best friend for just as long. Mingi was her pillar, and Mei found comfort in having him close at a time like this. Days away from the biggest event of their lives. A decision that wasn't theirs to make, but would undoubtedly change their world forever.

The others were strewn about the private jet in plush leather chairs, their dark suits posing as an almost comical contrast to their behavior which was far from proper. A smile tugged at the corners of Mei's lips at the sight.

"Did you get some rest?" Wooyoung inquired. He sat in the seat across from her in his usual spot to Yeosang's right. Just as their fathers would have done. Mei frowned, humor creasing the skin between her brows as she chuckled and sat up, straightening herself, "Rest does not come easy to anyone in your company," she mumbled, smirking. He rolled his eyes at her comment, emptying the glass in his hands of its last amber drops.

"How are you feeling?" Yeosang ventured. The conversation around them slowed as the others turned to the four. "Nervous?" he added, to which Mei bit her lip. He had stolen the word right from the tip of her tongue.

"How I feel does not change anything," she sighed.

"It matters to me," Jongho assured her. San ruffled his hair with a smile, always the proud older brother.

Thankful, yet solemn, Mei corrected herself, "How I feel will not change the outcome of the Triad's decision." It was true. And it was terrifying. In this, no amount of power would be able to move the Black Jade. No amount of money, influence, weapons. Nothing. They were completely at their mercy.

"I, for one, would never force you to admit fear," Hongjoong began, "Although not a weakness in itself, I understand why you wouldn't want to wear it as your armor at the meeting. But I hope you know that we would honor that fear if you ever declared it to us. No matter the Triad's decision, we will protect you. Now and forever. It is our duty, Mei."

Seonghwa nodded in silent agreement.

Mei knew it to be the truth. Ugly as it was. All seven of them would lay down their lives for her. They were bound to her, to her family, by oaths of allegiance. Ones they hadn't made themselves. Ones they would never be able to break. Ones written in blood.

"We would be fools not to acknowledge, still, that there is a possibility–"

"I'll put a bullet between Moretti's eyes before he even got the chance to sit in that damned seat," Mingi sneered, interrupting Mei before she got the chance to finish her sentence. She turned to him, a sigh parting her lips as she put a gentle hand on his shoulder. Loyal as ever. Fiercely so.

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